men shaving their testicles

Visual inch.

Unless they’re exceptionally thorough.

Two healthy/fit people with shaved parts = Feels a lot better to have sex and oral sex.

A LOT better.

Another vote for sensation. Much like any other part of the body, if it is covered with hair the efficacy of the nerves in the skin is reduced.

Also, my wife likes it, and I wish her to spend as much time as possible in the neighborhood, so I’ll keep it tidy.

I have enjoyed the look and feel of myself shaved bare, but it puts the wife off. For the same reasons, she only trims herself, darn it. But, beggars can’t be chosers.

Yep, it’s in that song “Don’t Let Your Son Go Down On Me”.

So all those guys dancing and singing in the revival of “Hair” have shaved their balls?

I’m a decade younger, but the “pe-pubescent look” that is now the currency of the realm feels very weird to me. I dont think trying to look like a twink is gonna improve my sexyness in any way.
I dont shave, and I have a problem considering hairless guys as guys.

Sucking on and licking hairy testicles is not fun and I’m much, much less likely (i.e. will not) to do this if there is a forest down there.

There really is nothing like a shorn scrotum. It’s breathtaking.

This pre-pubescent argument comes up every time genital shaving comes up. It’s been debunked. It might feel weird to you, and that is a valid opinion, but shaved adult genitals or shaved adult anythings do not look similar to hairless pre-pubescent human bits.

You can’t “debunk” an opinion.

Came to the thread to add this if it wasn’t here already. Thank you for your public service.

I have nothing to add to the subject, other than I have enough problems with that bit under my nose. Hats off to y’all who can handle shearing the undercarriage.

I’ll speak on behalf of Mr. Horseshoe, who will be turning 30 this summer for your demographic info-gathering.

He shaved himself for me as a surprise (for my 30th b-day, as a matter of fact) and was, well, delighted with my delight. He’s kept up with it since then despite my never specifically asking me to. In fact, shit, he’s more thorough about maintenance than I am! So anyway, yeah, one more for the “fun time is more fun” chorus.

It may go back a little farther into history than the 80’s. Ball-shaving is recommended in the Muslim Book of Purification (Kitab Al-Taharah) written in 817.

Personally, I find depilation to be a sign of cleanliness.

Since much of this is a matter of opinion, I think it is better suited to IMHO than GQ.

General Questions Moderator

My husband is 26 and his eyebrows already look like demented caterpillars if he doesn’t trim them - he also gets a monobrow if he doesn’t keep on top of it.

He also shaves his junk. When I asked him why (I’m not too bothered either way) he said it’s more comfortable because the hairs don’t get caught in his underpants and whatnot.

I also think he likes strutting his newly shaved package around, which I think is the primary reason he does it.

Agreed. I shave my boys (or at least clip the hair way back) so it doesn’t get caught in my foreskin. I gotta big beer belly so clipping becomes an adventure in avoiding pain! :eek:

I can understand trimming back the brush a bit, electric hair trimmers are a safe way to do so. But taking a razor to scrotum seems as risky as an old man shaving his very wrinkled face. Or do most guys use an electric razor? Though obviously not the guys that are shaving in the shower. Dont want to get too graphic, but just how is all this shearing getting done, safely?

I find it an amusing contradiction that growing hair all over one’s chin is a sign of manhood, but shaving his balls is a sign of purification?