Men's obsession with women's breasts

I don’t care for breasts, it’s titties I like.

Titties are as fun as these.

I remember the anticipation of dating someone and wondering, “will I get to see them?” Eventually the answer was “yes, for the rest of your life.” After almost 20 years my eyes still light up at the thought of seeing my wife undress.

It may be related, but it’s not due to remembrance, which as an adopted (spent first 4 months in hospital) and bottle-fed baby, I’m definitely obsessed with breasts of all sizes.

So says Holden Caulfield, who guesses that perhaps it’s his inexperience and that appreciation for asses will come later with experience. When I read Catcher in the Rye as a young teen, I thought “Me too!” Years later, my well-developed appreciation for a shapely ass was corroborating evidence.

Your observation doesn’t contradict the evolutionary argument. Things may have changed since breasts got big.

The evolutionary argument is that previously, sex was generally doggy-style, and therefore males were attracted to ass displays. Permanently plump breast may have started as an “ass display” that worked when face-to-face. This could be true even if copulation wasn’t face-to-face. In any case, it’s not a “scientific fact” but rather a popular hypothesis, and the arguments on either side get pretty complicated.

People who did not grow up around Wonderbras and silicone-enhanced breastworks would be far less likely to view women’s breasts and think they have all that much in common with women’s ass cheeks.

I go with the other hypothesis: women have them, only women have them, hence they are attractive to men who are attracted to women. Other shapes & visual elements that specifically reference “female” have the same effect (long slender necks, navels with a vertical orifice, etc) but breasts are rather spectacularly different hence they’re a strong signifier.