Well, ladies? What do you think?
I ask because a female friend of mine advised me not to buy any pleated pants. However, I noticed that most of the pants at Men’s Wearhouse and various department stores are pleated.
So, what do you think?
Well, ladies? What do you think?
I ask because a female friend of mine advised me not to buy any pleated pants. However, I noticed that most of the pants at Men’s Wearhouse and various department stores are pleated.
So, what do you think?
Definately non-pleated. If you’re average or above, in weight, pleats will give you an unflattering poofy look. Same thing for women.
Right now the trend for all **but **suits and formal wear is for non-pleated pants. Pleats in casual wear, at the moment, are “out.”
This will change soon. It always does. You’ll know it’s changed when department stores and discount stores start stocking flat-front pants. :rolleyes:
That being said, I think my very tall, thin husband looks much better in pleats than in flat-front pants. Pleats give him the illusion of an ass, and soften his lankiness a bit. But yeah, anyone who doesn’t look like Jack Skellington prob’ly should stick to flat-front for vanity’s sake - unless there’s a suit or sport coat to cover the top of the pants.
What they said. Pleats are awful on nearly everyone.
I prefer my man in flat fronts, thank you. I find a gentleman of a certain age can pull off pleated with no problems.
Pleated jeans, however, just shouldn’t even exist.
Hm, despite what the womenfolk say: In general the idea is that if the top is poofy, the bottom should be tight and if the top is tight, then the bottom poofy.
So if you buy pleated pants, wear a well fitted T-shirt with it. And if you have any long jackets (like a duster) then you can again wear pleated with a well fitted shirt and the duster–since if you’re wearing the jacket, no one can see the silhouette of the pants, and if you take the duster off then you’re balanced again.
Pleated…JEANS? Gah.
^ I was talking about slacks and other nicer garb. Never seen a pleated jean, and the idea isn’t encouraging.
Sadly, they exist.
I don’t like pleated pants on women, either. In most cases, they make the wearer look frumpy.
I prefer no pleats and no pockets, but that’s just me.
What the hell are pleated pants? I’ve never even heard of those.
I’m a fella and not a lady, but I feel strongly enough about this to weigh in:
I don’t care what the TV commercials try to sell you; I don’t care what the department stores put on their shelves; I don’t care what the beautiful people are wearing on the red carpets. Pleated pants are never "in."
If you’re a skinny type (like me), they billow around and make you appear to have even less of an ass than you actually do. If you’re a full-bodied guy, they scream to the world, “I’m hiding something.”
No. Never pleated. I’m no fashion plate, but I’d sooner wear acid-washed jeans.
Thanks for the links, but you’re gonna have to help me out here. I don’t see a difference, aside from color.
Pleats fit you better if you are chunky but make you look chunkier.
Look at the little folds in the fabric at the top of the pants, just below the waist. Those are the pleats in the first picture, and they don’t exist in the second.
Mr. Snicks prefers pleated, I believe, but wears either, and looks good in both. He’s of the very tall, thin variety, however, so this may make somewhat of a difference.
That’s exactly it. Pleats only look OK (not great, but OK) on guys who are slender and don’t need the pleats anyway. On chunky guys, they poof out and look unattractive.
Thre’s also an age breakdown. The only guys I know who wear pleats are 40+ and up. Most younger guys prefer flat fronts.
I’m 34, 5’10" and 150 lbs soaking wet, and I only wear pleated pants. I don’t like the way flat-front pants look on me - I think they make me look fat. To my eye it looks like the front of the pants is stretchted taut and I’m about to burst out of them. Pleats present a “looser” apperance.
Report from the pleat front*
I don’t know why people feel so strongly about this. I looked at the pictures linked by Ooner and I can’t see what’s so awful about the pleated ones. Unless this man is one of very few who can get away with it.
*Currently wearing a suit with pleated pants.
Pleated pants with a suit are expected and just fine.