Men's Restroom Etiquette Poll

I’m female, so bear with me: I don’t get how this works. All the stalls I have ever been in, if you don’t latch the door, you run a significant risk of it swinging open while you’ve got your pants down. When I encounter a stall door that won’t latch, I either find another stall or ask a friend to stand outside and hold the door shut for me. Using a stall without the door latched? Not happening.

Men can pee standing up.

There are plenty of men’s rooms without stall doors :eek:

But if there’s a door, it’s going to be closed.

No more of my anatomy is exposed than if I were standing at a urinal and the sides of the stall afford more protection than the sides of the urinal, if it even has them.

Close and lock, if for no other reason so you don’t have someone walking in thinking it’s empty. As others have said, it’s a bit different if there’s a line for the stall. But at a bar or restaurant, it’s closed and locked.
Also, WRT to the door being half open/half closed. If it’s more closed then open, it can look empty, then you not only have someone starting to walk in, but you have the added awkwardness all around when they push the door open (in to you).

I tend to wear sweat pants so I close the door so my big pink arse doesn’t light up the potty room.

I leave the door open, it doesn’t make any sense for me to close it, and especially not to lock it. It’s not like I’m going to be standing there for ten minutes.

Yes, and they’re quite unpleasant. If I wanted to take a shit in front of somebody I’d get arrested, join the military, or sever my spinal cord. I understand the logic behind it though. Lack of a door helps to ensure it’ll be used for it’s intended purpose, reduces vandalism, and is cheaper. I’d still rather crap in the bushes than use one. All the toilet stalls at my high school had doors, except the ones in the lockerroom. :eek: There was also a row of lockers right in front of the area with the toilets, urinals, and sinks. And you had to walk past the toilets to get to the storage room where all the balls were kept (insert joke about all the balls being in the boys’ lockeroom).

Those toilets were very rarely used. The guys that did would stay behind and wait until the rest of the class had gone out into the gym. Of course this made the girls’ teacher thing it was empty and occasionally she’d go inside to get something out of that storage room and catch some poor boy having a bowel movement. :smack: Back to the OP I’ll close & latch the door purely out of habit. I’ll only use a stall if all the urinals are full though. I have no problem peeing in front of people. Though if I may make a request to all fathers who need to take their young daughters into the mens’ room; please supervise them better and keep them away from the urinals. :o It’s very creepy realizing that there’s a little girl next to you staring eye level at your penis.

Stand at the door and pee into the bowl … makes for good target practice.

If I’m sitting down, maybe I’m tired or whatever, I’ll lock the door.
If I’m standing to door is left open.
If it automatically swings closed behind me I don’t lock it.

It’s a variant of the flight or fight response. If your dacks are down past your knees, you need the extra reaction time.

Just because there’s no door to a urinal doesn’t mean I wouldn’t use one if one was available. I’ll take as much privacy as possible, thank you.

Using the urinals at sporting events is truly a dehumanizing experience. You’re basically out in the open, and only have social conventions to protect you from dudes looking at your junk. To make matters worse, I get gun shy and just stand there, exposed and vulnerable, for about 20 seconds before anything starts to happen.

This is the best picture I can find of the type of urinals they now have in stadiums. Just imagine about ten of those side by side, all occupied.

I don’t see a problem. A trough urinal would be a better use of space though.

It depends whether I really need to pee, or I expect someone to join me.

I don’t see how it would be possible to look down at your own to aim without seeing someone else’s. That would go for both the trough and the other example.

I learned the hard way that accidentally looking at another guy’s privates can get you into a lot of trouble. It wasn’t that I was assumed to be gay–it was that I was assumed to be socially handicapped.

My sentiments exactly. It’s not a safety thing, just a communication that the stall is in use. Such a communication is nice. And it’s hard to pee with the door swinging at your back, so I won’t leave it open.

It reminds me of the bathrooms in my school, which didn’t have a lock, but had a light on the outside to tell you that someone was in there so you didn’t barge in. They hooked up the switch with the light inside the bathroom, so you’d get in the habit of using it. The communication that the single use room was in use was enough to keep people out.

If you’re pretending to be a guy, you better close the door lest ye be discovered.

My thoughts exactly. I always leave the door open if I’m just taking a leak. I don’t see any point in closing it.

Is done.

[Heartless bastard]Sorry about that.[/Heartless bastard]

Should I put you down for number 2, then?

I do it so rarely that I don’t think I have a regular pattern, but I think I’d leave the door open. The sight of my back is going to put off all but the most sex-crazed gays.

I’ll leave it open. I assume anyone who closes and locks the door has pulled a Costanza, needing to undress themselves to whiz.

I voted leave it open, but only because there was not option for “it depends.”

If I really have to go and the stall is tiny, I won’t bother. If it’s one of those huge handicap stalls, I’ll lock it just so I can have my own private “room.” If, for some reason, I don’t feel like using the stall, I’ll wait.