'Merkin starts a World Cup thread...

It is now 11:45 PM in my time zone, and my intention was to go to sleep early in order to get up and watch the US-Germany match, but I find myself now wanting to stay up to see the England-Brazil match, less than one hour away. I am the stereotypical bandwagon jumper American fan, following the team only since the Cup began, but I am quite hooked now.

I am not sure who to “root” for in this game. My ancestry is Irish, but there is a continental connection there. Of course, there is a hemispheric connection to Brazil, as well. I think I will watch as I would a NY Yankees/ LA Dodgers game - no great interest on either side, but watching for the pure enjoyment of the game played at a high level.

So, let the trash talking begin…

I had the same dilemma…it now appears I may have to get by on 3 hours sleep and get back up for the US game. Hopefully, England will take a quick 4-0 lead in the first 45 and I can go to bed contented that the game is resolved. Not likely, but I can dream can’t I?