Mexican girl wins abortion [lawsuit] award

I wasn’t sure where to post this, but this seems as good as any. I really don’t want to debate the legal/moral right or wrong of abortion and I’m not pitting anyone, just offering my opinion and reaction to a news item. If the mods see fit, feel free to move this as needed. :slight_smile:
There is a story in the LA times today (front page and continued on page 4 of the first section, can find a web site if anyone wants it) about a girl who was denied an abortion 6 years ago, when she was raped at age 13. She was just awarded a settlement and the acknowledgment that she should have been able to have it. The thing that really struck me was, how will this child feel growing up, knowing that his mother wanted to abort him, didn’t because she wasn’t allowed to and then proceeded to be involved in a lawsuit to say that it should have happened. (how’s that for a runon sentence? :wink: ) I can’t really imagine what it would be like but that would seem very damaging to your self esteem. It’s being hailed as a triumph for womens rights, which it is. But it is a sad case for the child that came of the situation.

I could not for the life of me figure out where you were going with “Abortion Award”.

You are aware that was how Roe vs. Wade was decided, right? Norma McCorvey (aka Jane Roe), had the child-she didn’t have an abortion.

sorry, I should have used settlement instead of award. I was trying to get a title in and used a word I see could be misleading. sorry about that.

I’ve edited the thread title.

I’m going to leave the thread here for now.

Thanks for amending the title. I didn’t mean to confuse. :slight_smile:

Did she keep the baby? Norma McCorvey gave hers up for adoption, and AFAIK nobody knows who it is now because of adoption privacy laws at the time.

here’s a link to the la times story,,0,3388735.story?coll=la-home-world According to that, yes she is raising the child as a single mother.

What does being Mexican have to do with this?

The daughter was identified in the late 1980s and became at least for a time a spokesperson for the anti-choice movement (as McCorvey herself has in the last decade), but I’m not finding a cite with her name online.

From the story:

She was under extreme pressure to carry the child to term from various government officials and others.