MI GOP leaders meeting with Trump

In their statement, the Michigan lawmakers also said that their state’s certification process should be “free from threats and intimidation.”

That was an interesting tidbit from the article.

It implies that Trump was the one giving them “threats and intimidation” in the meeting that they had just attended with him. I mean, there is only one group here who is demanding that they do not follow their state’s certification process; And that is Team Trump.

So their statement today certainly implies that Trump tried to use threats and intimidation on them. And they were not having any of it.

Here’s their statement:

Agreed. But they don’t want to be clear on that, perhaps because that would be asking to be primaried.

Or, even more likely, because they have mixed feelings about Donald Trump.

They may have meant this.

Well, maybe not so much…

Michigan’s top Republican state legislators said after meeting with President Donald Trump on Friday that they did not have any information that would change the outcome of the presidential election in the state, where Democrat Joe Biden defeated Republican Trump.

“We have not yet been made aware of any information that would change the outcome of the election in Michigan and as legislative leaders, we will follow the law and follow the normal process regarding Michigan’s electors,” Michigan Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey and House of Representatives Speaker Lee Chatfield said in a joint statement.

Personally I think “honor and decency” in this case wouldn’t be, “Oh hey, I guess we’ll follow the law,” it would be, “It’s unconscionable that someone identifying as Republican has attempted to steal a free and fair election through baseless lawsuits and blatant attempts to manipulate GOP officials. We uniformly condemn this action and the President who instigated it.”

That’s honor and decency.

If y’all believe these underhanded shitbirds talked about COVID with the president today, I’ve got a nice bit of oceanfront property in Lansing to sell you. It’s beautiful. Salty air, great for marlin fishing and Jimmy Buffet concerts.

Aye; I’m gonna hold off on too many accolades until I see Michigan’s electors.


Shirkey and Chatfield staying in Trump’s DC hotel tonight? After meeting with him privately in the Oval Office a couple days after Trump’s GOP unsuccessfully made a play to disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of Wayne County voters and slow down Michigan’s election certification? I mean it must be just a coincidence, the timing of the invite, and the fact that he’s not reaching out to Michigan’s governor about COVID, and that the only other state legislators he’s planning to invite to the Oval are from Pennsylvania.

This all seems…hmm, “legit” isn’t the word I’m looking for…oh yeah, it’s “fucked,” with a side of “greasy.”

Some of you guys need to back away from the ledge and maybe take some time off from election news. Trump and his minions have gotten nowhere in the courts or the state governments. The only thing I’ve seen is the two idiot low-level flunkies in Detroit and they ultimately failed even at that.

This election is not being overturned.

No shit. They’re not trying to necessarily overturn it. They’re trying to delegitmize Biden.

But the fact that the GOP is working so fucking hard to throw out my vote here in Michigan, as well as millions of other Michigan voters (with a special target on the city of Detroit), is something that I don’t take too kindly to. And my state’s legislative leaders gave this shitshow a bit of legitimacy today by even sitting down with Trump.

Yeah, c’mon guys. It’s an attempted coup by the governing party, not a completed one.

Jesus, get a hobby.

And it doesn’t bother you that the GOP was silent (and complicit by their silence) about the whole thing?
Just think what would have happened if Trump wasn’t a fuckup magnet.

I’m surprised the word “apartheid” hadn’t been used (AFAIK) to succinctly describe what those two Wayne County official tried to impose (twice!).

If those two officials were really honorable, they would have told Trump there was no need for a face to face meeting, they would certify the results as according to law. And then hung up on him.

I can see some value in him thinking they were coming to do his bidding and then pulling the rug out from under him. This is far more visible than a phone call he could claim was never made.

I agree on this one. Their actions are consistent with telling Trump to go fuck himself. But they are also consistent with having just made an arrangement to pull some shady shit in the future.

Truly they are Schrödinger’s Canvassers. And we have to wait 2 more days for the waveform to collapse.

Moreover, if you are perceived as accepting this kind of behavior, you can damn well bet they’ll try even harder to make sure they throw your vote out again in 2 or 4 years.

There’s a time for outrage and this is one of those times. They will continue to do what they’re doing until they fear paying a high price for doing it.