MI GOP leaders meeting with Trump

If conservatives become convinced that they can not win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. The will reject democracy.”
― David Frum

Oh come on! They’ve got a kind of old school je ne sais quois to them. Plus they’d send a better message than most picket signs would.

The main problem that I have with this whole thing is:

“Legally, they don’t think they have any actual legal options. It legally cannot happen in Michigan. That’s what they’re going to tell the president,” the leader said.

Why the fuckety-fuck-fuck would you even consider whether there were legal ways to fucking subvert the mother-fucking democracy that you serve, you fucking fuckstain?

Now, if I was saying it to their face, I would probably throw in a fuck or two.

Brother, I would never seek to deter you from expressing yourself how you see fit. :smiley:

Just pointing out that you’ll likely draw some sui generis attention.

All of the information they needed was in plain view all along. He has said again and again he would never accept any election which he didn’t win. He promised his supporters he would do exactly what he is now doing. No one who supported him can claim they did not advocate this.

Just to be clear, I’m not defending them - their naivete is borderline criminal and traitorous. Still, I think there are some people out there who didn’t vote with malice but wanted their tax cuts and wanted to think happy thoughts.

I agree, they did not all vote with malice. But they knew his character; it’s been on display. And they said “Yeah, I’m ok with that.” I’m not sure if that’s much better than malice in the end.

btw – wanted to add to the chorus of posters pointing out you are completely nailing it lately.

They have not. The Secretary of State has. The governor has not, and Trump can still demand a recount.

Oh yes he has!

No take backsies!

In a way, Georgia might be the least likely battleground state to try Trump’s legislative coup. If they did try it would probably lead to a massive increase in Democratic turnout for the 1/5/21 senate runoffs and to Democratic control of the senate.

Great piece here: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/20/opinion/trump-michigan-election.html

Gist: if the state board refuses to certify, a court can compel them to, and if they still refuse (which means jail) the court can certify, itself. And the (Democratic) governor of Michigan has the power to remove board officials for malfeasance, which it surely would be.

I was wrong at the time due to a misleading headline. But I think I’m right now. I think Trump can still demand a second recount, but he would surely lose. And also I posted that in this thread by accident.

The hole in this argument is that pesky little word “can”, because “can” isn’t a synonym for “will” or “must”…

Quoting the Washington Post:

Good for them. I’m not really sure why they went to meet with Trump in the first place, but I’m glad they couldn’t be swayed.

They said that they felt an obligation to do so, in part due to pressure from their party, as well as because it’s a request from the President for a meeting. Again, as per the Post:

Ok, so they’re still cowards. Just not cowardly enough to overturn an election.

Would you take “would likely”? Maybe the editorial is too sanguine on the point, I don’t know:

The Biden campaign and Michigan voters would likely first turn to the state or federal courts. A court would likely issue an order to the state board to certify the result — legally, this is known as issuing a writ of mandamus — because the board’s legal duty is clear and unequivocal once it has received the certified vote totals from the counties. If the resistant board members were still willing to defy the court and go to jail (presidential pardons do not apply to state crimes), a court could also issue the certification itself.

Hey hey:

President Trump on Friday suffered another blow to his unprecedented effort to undo the election results when a delegation of Michigan Republicans, after meeting with Mr. Trump at the White House, said that they would “follow the normal process” in certifying the vote results and honor the outcome.

(But how pathetic is it that I feel relieved lawmakers say they intend to follow the law?)