Mice. Again! Or...not? Too weak for the BBQ Pit.

I thought I saw something tiny & fast dash across my floor. Twice.

I checked my closet, & found brown “seeds” on the floor. Yup!

I got mice again!

Or, do I?

No “seeds” in the kitchen, near the food.

And I’m wearing new bifocals, with a higher line level–I’ve thought I’ve seen other things, out of the corner of my eye, and been wrong.

I closed off the last hole, in the closet. I think. But it’s behind the water heater, & I can’t see back there clearly.

The old “seeds” could be from the infestation a month ago. (I’m not one to vacuum the closet floor).

I got 2 snap-traps out, a “tin cat”, & a bait station, but no joy, yet.

I hate meeces to pieces.:frowning:

Don’t get out the shotgun. Fellow Dopers frown on that, I’ve learned.

It’s okay to shoot if the mouse draws on you, though.