Mice are mocking me

I love the selling points in the ad:

“30% more force than conventional traps”

“Grips mouse/rodent tightly, quickly suffocating without breaking skin. No messy blood or odors.”

Now, if they can just build-in the gruesome “snap, squeek!” I love so much I’m sold!

I’ve got a tricky bastard on my hands.
I tried the snap-O’-Neck. I tried the glue. Both were not that successful. Went out and bought the live trap, and it seemed to work well…Until now. I now have one mouse who has figured the way in, eats the goody, and can get back out!! Don’t know how, yet, but THIS MEANS WAR!

Bright little bugger tho. Gonna hate to kill him. (Mostly)

Hey come on you lot give it a rest. Mice are only scratching a living same as most of us. Where is your sense of morals,what the hell happened to live and let live, thou shalt not kill and so on and so forth.

Give the little bastards a chance and then kill 'em…slowly :wink:

Did you not see what I typed? Did you not click on my links?

They ran over my toe. They are in my celing. They shit in my chocolate chips!!

It’s war.

I think you misunderstood me Musicat… these aren’t feral cats, they are the neighbourhood kitties out on the prowl (even now, when it is minus 11C) — and the mousies are live… I just get the kitties attention, then let the mouse out in the middle of the parking lot… good exercise for the kitties

bagkitty, I suspect where you live, even tho it gets colder in the winter, may be a relatively human-populated area, so non-feral cats don’t have to find a place to keep warm, they just go in their master’s house or other human establishment nearby.

Where I live, in a rural area, very few neighbors own cats, and those that do either don’t let them outdoors, or are too far away.

Chique, were those chocolate chips BEFORE the mice came around or only after? :eek: And I think Spogga was just kidding; he did say “kill them…slowly.” :wink:

All summer I work at a camp and my office is apparently some kind of deluxe mousie-condo. Two weeks before camp starts I go in with my elbow-length rubber gloves, dust mask and ShopVac to remove the droppings (and remains) of the winter inhabitants. Our ranger sets traps and poison all year, but they tend to eat the bait on the traps without setting it. This summer, the little buggers wen through a full, industrial-size brick of posion. That doens’t even count the one who decided my tent was the only place she wanted to have her babies. She got a brick all to herself. Muahahaha!

Mix flour with cement, small saucer, right next to small saucer of water…Feed shed special…

Yeah really! I don’t know which is crueler, the glue traps or letting the cats “play” with them. :stuck_out_tongue:

I hate killing any animal, mice included. I would rather they be excluded from my house, but I have been unable to find their entrances. Wherever the holes are, they are small enough to exclude deer, raccoons and possums, so the only pests I have to worry about are mice. But since I consider them to be a health hazard, and they destroy fabric by tearing it up for nests, I must destroy them.

But one method I have avoided is poison, and here’s why. What happens if a poisoned mouse, dead or just woozy, is eaten by a larger predator? The larger size probably means they won’t be affected to the same extent, but mouse poison in a fox’s stomach can’t be a pleasant thing for the fox.

So, if my scenario is correct, I hope you-all would-be assasins stick to other methods than poison (or cement oatmeal).

I’ve heard that steel wool is the only thing that mice and rats can’t chew through when they’re trying to get in your house. So stick a large wad of steel wool into every hole and crevice you can see in and around your house and use poison on a regular basis. This might result in a noticeable dearth of rodents at your house. Or not.

medstar, I have heard that mice can contort their tiny bodies to squeeze thru incredibly small holes. Nevertheless, I have circled my entire house, even using mirrors to look for cracks where the cement foundation meets the wood frame up under the siding, and have filled any opening I found with expandable foam. (I don’t think they touch foam, as I have never seen evidence of that, and foam, as a bonus, may provide better insulation than steel wool.)

Still, they get in; evolution at work, I guess. Smart little buggers. But as chique says, this is war!

Perhaps I should revise my sig line.

We get the occasional field mouse and the cats just stare at it and maybe at it about a little. I consider myself lucky in this as hubby catches it in a box and lets it out in the woods.

My mother’s house is infested. When I still lived there my method was take a rubbermaid trash can and place it next to the nightstand. Sprinkle bird seed on nightstand and generously coat bottom of barrel. In the morning I would have 10+ mice to let out at the park on my way to work. EVERY morning. I couldn’t wait to move!

My mother told me that her cat catches them every so often and usually leaves her the head. The other day she woke up to find the cat had murdered one while she slept - in bed with her - and she was covered in mouse blood!

There are not enough :eek: :eek: to convey how much that disgusts me!

My Dad kept his candy stashed in a certain drawer in the kitchen of our old house. I stopped by one time and he said, “I can’t understand where my candy is going. I bought a couple Snickers yesterday and put them in here. Now they’re gone.”

I knew the house was no stranger to mice and rats so I simply pulled out the drawer and revealed a half moon shaped opening chewed into the top of back rail. The wierd thing is that they’d drag the candy bars out whole. There wasn’t a shred of Snickers wrapper anywhere in the drawer.

That house has been gutted, remodeled and I assume de-rodentized since then.

The ONLY hiphop piece I’ve ever liked…

The mice aren’t mocking you, Rooves - they’re just hungry and hoping you’ll adopt them for your very own :wink:

About the feline thing, though - when we moved into a new (old) house a few years ago, the cable installers was up on a ladder attempting to connect wires, and a huge rat jumped out at him! He fell back into our back yard, which at the time was inhabited by two large Dobermans. My husband witnessed the incidence, and said it was the first time he’s ever heard a man scream like a girl.

And, then: we just happened to be owned by a clever cat named Sheba. The rats never appeared once after we let her into the backyard.

Don’t do traps, though. All living creatures have their own space in our world (although I agree that’s not always in our houses!)


I thought I posted this last night. Dang hamsters. Anyway:

My husband’s parents live in a semi-rural area and have had mice every winter for the 13 or so years they’ve lived there. About four years ago, it got really bad. After trying the usual, my MIL bought those things you plug in that supposedly emit sound that is outside the range of normal human hearing but is just the right frequency to drive pests from your home. I admit that I was skeptical, but ever since then, she’s had no mouse (or mouse leavings) sightings. This year, however, one of the thingies (they only work in pairs placed at opposite ends of a house) went missing, and she’s got mice again.

I don’t know what the SD is on these devices, and I don’t know of a site that objectively discusses their efficacy, so take this anecdotal evidence FWIW, but I like the idea of not harming the critters while still not having them in the house.

One thing I have done to limit the access pests (different pests, same concept) have to food is to put every edible item, every single one, in sealed containers. (One of my friends calls me the Tupperware lady. It’s true; I have the most impeccably organized kitchen cabinets in the free world.)

That was too funny - I sent it to my mom - thanks!

i’m especially intrigued by a company that makes their money selling mousetraps and fillet knives. :eek: