Mice To Test Bush's Food In Thailand

BANGKOK, — Thailand is going to use mice to test food for poison before it is served to President Bush and 20 other Asia Pacific leaders at a regional summit in Bangkok this month, a top health official said Friday.

DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL SCIENCES chief Somsong Rugpao said samples of dishes served during the Oct. 20-21 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit would be injected into mice.

   “We’ll have a result within a minute. If it’s safe, we’ll tell the waiters to start serving,” he said.

Somsong did not how many mice he would use, but the Bangkok Post reported on Friday at least 20,000 health workers would be on hand during the summit to ensure the leaders and their delegations remained in good health.

Have they gone too far?

Couldn’t just normal food fuck up a rodent if injected with it? I would think that even pristine Pad Thai running through a mammals veins wouldn’t be exactly healthy… And if it’s as spicy as I like it, the rat would probably burst into flames.

Gee, I wonder what will happen afterwards to all these well fed rodents in Bangcock…

Does a lot of good if theres a disgruntled server.

I would say they probably know what their doing. But from basic Bio and Micro Biology, Id say that if they diluted it with a sugar solution, the little mousy would probably absorb it right quick, and any toxins would also get absorbed. I don’t see a problem on the technical end really, although Im in no way shape or form qaulified to answer. But PETA’s going to be pissed.
And Im pretty sure they won’t serve Phad Thai. If I remember right after talking to the Thai exchange student, thats just street food, a quick meal. Like serving macaroni and hot dogs.

And here I was hoping they’d just let the mice walk over the plate and eat some of it.

“Hey, brown rice! No…wait a minute…”