Michael Bolton in the Honda commercials

A friend I grew up with appears in the one of those commercials.

Either that, or his skivvies are three sizes too small…

He always sounds like he’s dying.
Another reason NOT to buy Honda.

He should be part of a GRE test: “Michael Bolton is to singing as Kenny G is to saxophone playing.”

They are supposed to be a parody of what? Why would Honda want to focus their advertising dollars on Michael Bolton? These ads are counter-productive.

I don’t care if they’re a parody or not. To me, his voice is grating and I either hit the Mute button or change channels when one of those commercials comes on.

Parody is probably the wrong word, it’s more of an “ironic” thing in the hipster sense of the word. A “Michael Bolton is so bad, he’s cool again” sort of thing. Like Kenny G appearing (dressed as his early 90’s self) in a Snickers commercial.

Yeah, things haven’t been the same since he left Initech.

Thirding the vote for annoying. Please make these commercials stop.

Perhaps Honda is going for the whole “Silly and makes no sense but it is catching people’s attention” meme also being used (successfully) for the Anchorman selling Dodge.

I think the idea is that Honda wants to show that things that are bland and mediocre (like Michael Bolton or their current car line-up) can be cool, while also harking back the heady days of the 1980’s when Michael Bolton was popular and Honda actually made interesting cars.

Well, we’re talking about it so they’re doing something right.

I’ll be honest with you, I love his music. I do. I’m a Michael Bolton fan. For my money, I don’t know if it gets any better than when he sings “When a Man Loves a Woman”.