Michael Jackson Verdict Reached!!

Third me on this list.

Seven days is “quick”?

Well, at least the helo isn’t being funded by public money, I’m sure. The media wants to pay for a copter, they can do it. That said, the picture keeps snowing-out. Sheesh. This is CA, they have tons of experience with these chases.

I’m refreshing the MJFC Forum as well; the more fanactical fans have been a never ending source of hilarity, illogic, and illiteracy for months. Little reaction yet, most of them are overseas. It’s like 9-12 pm over there.

I believe I have heard it mentioned that for every week of trial, the jury usually (shoukd?) spend one day in deliberation.

OPf course, then you have the OJ case…where a trial lasting what seemed like years was over with four hours of deliberation.

I’m trying to listen to the MSNBC audio feed, and all I can say is they must all be standing under really powerful electric lines. All I have is a hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm…

Oh, and I meant to say that if you go to www.cnn.com, the front page has a little grpahic that, once the verdict is annoucedm, will show what charges he is guilty and not-guilty of. It lists one count conspiracy to commit child abduction, false imprisonement, extorion. Four counts of lewd act on a child under 14. One coutn attempted lude act on a child under 14, and four counts administering alcohol to enable child molestation, which apparantly includes the mesdemeanor charges.

Okay, now I got the dum…dum…dum NBC news sound, and Brian Williams is talking to me about the helicopter shots. Damn good radio!

He’s about to arrive at the courthouse. Extra security for Jackson. Cops are lining up incase there is a guilty verdict- they are saying the fans will go crazy (duh!).

Just an update for those who can’t hear.

Thanks, DiosaBellissima.

Arrived! Wearing a black suit, white shirt with black tie, almost conventional. Guess he ditched the all-white outfit.

The Jacksons have arrived (La Toya, the mom, Janet, dad, Michael).

Is it me or is Michael dressed rather nicely for himself? Usually, he’s rather over the top. Today he is wearing a rather simple black suit, black tie, arm band (of course), but all in all- pretty tasteful?

Media for OJ + Media for Scott Peterson < Media for Michael Jackson

Thought you’d like to know.

Alas, that is not to be; I heard the other day on some news show or other that he’ll be put in a special unit. Frankly, much as I think he’s terminally creepy, I don’t blame them for not wanting to risk him in the general population (should he be convicted); he’d be dead before the day was out, probably.

The Jacksons have all gone through security into the courtroom, and there’s supposed to be an audio feed to outside as the clerk reads the verdict, so the crowd can riot more quickly, one presumes.

Cool. NBC guy says if there it’s guilty, the Jackson fans are going to attack the media. Now that might be fun to watch.

5que That will be hilarious. God bless fanatical people :slight_smile:

What? Both of 'em?

I just hope justice is served and there is no rioting.

They’ve already got a special cell set up for him if he’s convicted. He can be buddies with Charlie when he gets there.


You’re no fun anymore.

I hope Jacko gets a contempt charge for showing up late.