Michael Jackson Verdict Reached!!

This is it!

Count 1- NG
Count 2 - NG
Count 3 - NG
Count 4 - NG
Count 5 - NG
Count 6 - NG
Count 7 - NG
Count 8 - NG
Count 9 - NG
Count 10 - NG

Bastard got away with it. Well, so much for victims of child sex abuse coming forward ever again. Money talks.

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
:frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

“La commedia et finita.”


Un-fricken-believable. Definitely the best justice that money can buy…

Money talks? Did you think for one second that maybe the prosecution did a horrible job?

So did he not do any of it, or did the prosecutors just not do a good job?

Well, **that ** was a bit anti-climatic.

Justice is done. God Bless America!

That’s an understatement.

Now he can get OJ to help him find the real molester.

Not guilty

Not guilty on all counts.

Robert Blake, MJ and OJ can all go out for cosmo’s now. :rolleyes:

Err, responding to 5que.

There definitely was reasonable doubt in this case. The jury reached the right verdict.

Well none of us know what happened for sure, but we do know what happened in the trial. They had a weak case. Flat out.

You think maybe this time he’ll learn not to sleep with boys anymore?

Well, an obvious child molestor goes free, yay.

Fuck this shit.

Damn, you people are fast typers! :slight_smile:

No, he probably didn’t do it… this time. Who knows about the other cases.

Good verdict. Justice was done.

Judge not and stuff.

From what I had seen about the trial, I thought it would go this way. I don’t know if he “got away” with anything. Personally, I don’t think he did it. He’s bizarre, but that’s not enough to call someone a child molester in my book.

The lesson to learn here folks is if you want to be acquitted, get your trial in California.

Both sides of this circus need to be hung.