Michelle Davison's swimsuit has Canadian and French flags?

I was watching the Olympics last night and they interrupted the athlete bios and commercials to show some women’s diving. Michelle Davison’s swimsuit made me do a double take. At the top it said “USA”; under that were the olympic rings; directly under the rings was the Canadian flag. I think the U.S. flag was to the right of the Canadian flag and it looked like the French flag was to the left. I wasn’t really paying attention closely as I was trying to do other things at the same time, but I swear that is what I saw. Did anyone else see this or was a seeing things? Does anyone know why an American athlete would have the Canadian and French flags on what amounts to her uniform during international competition?

Is she originally from Quebec?

I thought about that but according to http://www.nbcolympics.com she was born and resides in Boca Raton, Florida.

It also had the German and perhaps Italian flag on it, as well. I’m just as confused as you are. It looked like she bought it in the Olympic gift shop, or something.