
I need to choose a microcontroller for use in the control of a Brushless DC Motor and would appreciate any advice that anyone out there can give on choosing one.

There’s such a thing as too much information. Sadly, its opposite exists as well.

So, what are you doing? Building a motorcontroller from scratch?

There’s probably a zillion ways to approach the problem, and without knowing what you are doing there isn’t really any way to help you.

There are often some quite good microcontroller packages available on eBay; key to your decisions will be such factors as (but not limited to):

[ul][li]With which programming languages are you familiar?[/li][li]How many imputs/outputs will your project require?[/li][li]How complex (or large) do you anticipate your control programs being?[/li][li]How much onboard memory do you anticipate needing?[/li][/ul]