Microsoft closing UK chat! Justified and sensible or insane over-reaction?

Just heard this, which will run front page on the Independant tomorrow: Microsoft closes chatrooms to curb paedophile threat

The question is, is this justified, or even sensible? As far as I am concerned, whilst the intention is good, the action can surely not be the only one left, or even the most sensible.

Also, what could it mean for MSN messenger? will that go too?

Another angle I’d seen was that Microsoft is closing down MSN in unprofitable markets, which apparently, is most of Europe.

Me too. When I first heard about this it struck me as highly unlikely that MS would do something like this purely for the sake of child safety.

That’s how it’s being repoted here in Canada…(child safety that is).

What I heard on the radio news this morning was that the chat rooms will still be available in US & Canada, but only to people who subscribe to another (any other) MSN service. This is because they would have subscribers’ credit card info on file, and could trace anybody in the rooms being inapropriate with younger posters.

They’ve always been ahead of the curve in the UK.

There’s a kid in Canada who’s gone almost completely 2D and no one’s doing anything about it. :stuck_out_tongue: