Microwaving Veg

What does Microwaving Veg do to it in terms of Vitaminess? I am reliably informed that when you boil veg some vitamins are lost into the water hence use the water for stock or gravey but presumably this doesn’t happen if you nuke 'em in the microwave.

Are they better for you cooked this way?

I’ve always heard that microwaving veggies is about as good as steaming them (in otherwords, good, and much better than boiling)

Don’t forget to put a tiny bit of water in the bottom of the container you’re microwaving in, that creates the steam that stops the veggies drying out

Read this first, if you want to avoid getting cancer-


“*Microwaving food generates the cancer-causing chemical acrylamide, scientists have discovered. *”

hey…breathing gives you cancer, so does drinking water, so does everything else we do in our every day lives

Er, the “acrylamide” thing has been, not exactly “debunked”, but more like Emily Latella “never minded”.


So yes, microwaving veggies is good because it retains more of the nutrients. Do you need an actual cite, or can you take my word for it? :smiley: There’s all kinds of stuff out there on the Internet on microwaving vegetables, cooking times, etc.

Sorry about that. I didn’t mean to pass along information that was out of date.

Thanks for the update, Duck Duck Goose!