Microwaving Water bad for plants

I have never heard this before till I stumbled upon it on Google.

Seems that if you microwave water first then allow it to cool it does harm to plants.

I find this hard to believe. I have found a bunch of websites with people claiming to have done experiements heating water then cooling it using a microwave and a regular tea kettle to heat it.

The plants watered with the microwaved hot - then cooled water did badly while the plants watered with the water heated by a tea kettle over a flame - then cooled, did as well as water not heated at all.

All the water was from the same source.

I just find this hard to believe and I realize anyone can say anything on a website. Has their been any hard science done on this?


At least one page I found with Google indicated that the “evidence” was some kid’s science fair project.

Microwaving water changes the bond angle, and removes all the life from it. Everyone knows that.
:smack: :rolleyes: :smiley:

There have been reports from all over the country of people found dead in employee lunchrooms, still clutching mugs of coffee that had been reheated in microwaves.

It’s true! I heard from someone who heard it on Oprah.

We don’t need none of your “controlled experiments”.

Who are you going to believe, me or your own eyes?

It’s the other way around. In one study, plants that received microwaved water grew six times as well as plants that received no water at all.

Have you tried taking the plant out of the microwave before heating the water?