Might I humbly request that we limit our searching for now?


It seems like someone/some people is sat at his/her/their computer with an evil grin and their cursor poised over the submit button.

This is what it’s like today…

Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Work Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Work Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Work Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Work Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Work Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Work Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Work Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Work

On the assumption that things will soon be fixed… the boards would be more bearable for the rest of us if the few limited their searches to all but the most essential.

Especially for those of us at work for whom the rest of the internet is pretty much out-of-bounds

Do some people perhaps think that because they ‘paid for search’ that they absolutely must use what they paid for to it’s fullest?
Like people who think having the right to bear arms means they must bear arms?

It’s the SDMB. I love it and all, but I can’t imagine any search of it that could be considered ‘essential’. On the same hand, neither is the ability for people to read it at work. If search is once again behind the instability, the admins should change the search interval, and not rely on people trying to guess whether their search of an internet message board is more vitally important than some other hypothetical search of an internet message board.

Perhaps not, but a search of GQ (or even on occasion GD) can provide sometimes more edification than google can. There’s a level of casual expertise on this board that is unmatched on the web.

I don’t use the board’s search function that often: it’s too wonky. But, with apologies to Lobsang, I don’t anticipate curtailing my search activities entirely, performance considerations notwithstanding.

The 5 minute cooling off period is limiting our searches for now.

Um, no.

Maybe you could help things by easing off on starting way more threads than almost anyone else. Do one last search yourself and take a look at your last couple of hundred OPs. In the last couple of weeks, for example, you have started almost 30 threads around half of which got fewer than nine replies. This isn’t your own personal blog and it’s hardly those of us who do the occasional search who are hogging up the limited resources.

Why do you assume it’s searches that are hanging the board? I can say I’ve barely searched what with the 5-minute hiatus; in fact, my time on the board s about half my normal time because the enforced wait between searches frustrates me and makes me go elsewhere.

I know we’ve discussed this before but after two hours of searching I’ll be damned if I can find the thread.

At a maximum of 12 searches per hour, I’d be surprised if you could find anything in that time. :smiley:

The problem with not doing searches is that sometimes when you start an OP you think is new, people will jump down your throat for not doing a search first.

I can’t honestly believe we have very many people here who are that stupid and sad. We search for things when we want to find specific things, not just because we can.

I’ve pretty much given up search since I learned about the subscription/User CP thing during the times of no searching.

Or because we hit the “New Posts” button.

I think that should be “It seems like someone/some people is/are sat at his/her/their computer/s with an evil grin and his/her/their cursor/s poised over the submit button/s.”

Aren’t you the one who bitched a bit ago about how everyone should stop whining about board performance and just suck it up?

Yep. This is also the same guy who in the aftermath of the last US Presidential election started a thread asking us to stop discussing it so much and stick to topics that he enjoyed more.

Now that it’s turning personal, I think the thread has played out.