"Mike" Bloomberg Presidential campaign, 2020

Best outcome is a nasty public feud between Bloomie and Trump, that results in Bloomie pouring huge amounts of money in defeating Trump with whoever defeats Bloomie. Groovy.

Nah, he’s a racist, sexist asshole who shares our opinion about climate change, and may well be the Dem with the best chance of beating Trump.

I’m willing to dance with the devil if that’s what it takes to save the world my son will spend his life in. And it may come down to that.

He will appear at the main train station here in Raleigh. Interesting choice. I figured he would be at a hotel ballroom but maybe they are all booked up.

This, word for word.

This fails utterly as an attempt at an analogy. Hitler’s goal was to kill people. Bloomberg’s goal was to prevent people from being killed.

Possibly, or it could simply mean that his policies failed in spite of his good intentions. But since you feel Bloomberg might have had other motivations, what might those be?

Why the snark? It’s tiring. I am not here to defend Stop and Frisk, and haven’t done so. I was against it when it came out and I am against it now. This thread is about Bloomberg’s campaign to become president. You think his policy disqualifies him completely, and I respect that opinion. I just happen to think that if someone is trying to save the lives of people, when he is literally trying to keep people alive who would otherwise be killed due to crime in the city he was elected to protect, that he should get some credit for it. But you just dismiss it out of hand, and imply some other motivation.

Good intentions aren’t enough, if they lead to bad policies. And this seems to illustrate a problematic Bloombergian mindset: “Let’s keep doing what wasn’t working before, but this time we’ll throw more money at it”. It’s the attitude that brought us the Vietnam and Iraq wars.

Agreed, they are not enough, because the goal in the end is to fix the problem, not just to try and fix it. But they should count for something, I think. Maybe you could elaborate on the Bloombergian mindset, though. Do you mean as mayor or otherwise?

Late start in this discussion.

Shouldn’t Bloomberg if he really wants to win actually be out there campaigning? You know the old travelling around, kissing babies, making speeches, eat at local diners and shaking hands, etc…

All I see from him is annoying ads on you tube.

Ok, another point.

In one ad he brags how he shut down some coal burning power plants. Ok, that sounds nice, but what did he replace them with? Electricity has to come from somewhere.

:confused:In the past two weeks Bloomberg has been to:
-Washington DC

To name a few.

Plus he has plans to be in North Carolina tomorrow.

He joined the race too late to get on the ballot for earlier primaries. He is pinning his hopes on Super Tuesday, IIUC.

His claim to have shut down a lot of coal plants is a bit misleading. They have been replaced mostly by oil-fired plants and, especially, natural gas. And, to be fair, some renewable sources as well.

He also wants to shut down natural gas plants. He wants to replace them with “clean energy”. I don’t find many references to nuclear energy on his website, so it is hard to tell if he is serious or not.


…it doesn’t fail as an analogy. But you don’t have to use this particular analogy. I’ve got a million others. Like the anti-vaxxer analogy that you conveniently ignored. The goal of the anti-vaxxer is to stop people dying. Do they get credit because “their hearts are in the right place?”

What part of “I don’t give a fuck about his motivations” are you failing to understand?

Welcome to the Straight Dope. Enjoy the veal.

How could you have been against it? You literally asked me for a cite that sometimes the police threw people up against the wall. You know nothing about stop and frisk.

So you think Bloomberg deserves some credit for a racist policy that terrorized the lives of hundreds of thousands of people of colour in New York for a decade. I’ll just quote what I said in my first post in this thread:

Yes: I’m dismissing Bloomberg out of hand: and I think I’m justified in doing so. He deserves as much credit for “trying to save lives” as Andrew Wakefield does for his contributions to the medical industry. You’ve erased black voices from your narrative. You ignore the racism, you ignore the impact this policy had on the black community, you ignore the fact that the policy was obviously unconstitutional. You ignore the fact that Bloomberg still defended Stop and Frisk in 2019.


This man deserves no credit.

One wonders exactly what characteristics these kids might have had that make them “look like they might have a gun”. :dubious:

Lucky you. Around here (Texas), it seems like every fourth commercial is a Mike Bloomberg commercial, of which there are maybe 3 variants.

I am curious to see if a backlash will develop to Bloomberg among the elite Democratic donor class; the ordinary multimillionaires who are accustomed to spending campaign season paying $25,000 to attend parties in wine caves, where the candidate personally kisses their ass in an attempt to shake loose some *real *money.

They probably like Bloomberg’s policies, but his model cuts them out of the picture as surely as Bernie’s does. We’ll see if money starts rolling in for Buttigieg and/or Klobuchar.

I mean where did you think Buttigieg’s money has been coming in from? It isn’t like the elite donors were bankrolling Biden’s campaign that much.

I did not conveniently ignore anything. When you make a failed analogy, why should I just move on to the next one? Why? I don’t have time to respond to everything you say. And sorry, but you are the one conveniently ignoring. I told you why the Hitler analogy was faulty, and you didn’t defend it.

You suggested he had other motivations, not me, so I asked you about them. Now, I understand that you also don’t have time to respond to everything I say, so if you still don’t want to tell me what they might be, fine.

I lived in New York City when Bloomberg was mayor. I was here when SaF was implemented. As I’ve said, I was against it then and I’m against it now. Asking you about specific abuses does NOT mean I know nothing about it. And it certainly does not mean that I did not know how it was carried out, which is to say, by the indiscriminate detaining of people because of what they look like.

I said he deserved credit for trying to save lives, not for the willful terrorizing of anyone.

This once again shows that you are missing my point. I have NO “narrative” concerning SaF and I am not here to defend it. If I were here to do that and did as you say, yes that would mean I was erasing black voices, ignoring racism, etc., but it’s not the case.

…but I didn’t make a failed analogy.

Why should Bloomberg get credit for his motivations? Should we give Andrew Wakefield credit for his motivations?

I don’t care about his motivations. The claim that he was motivated because “of the children” was the claim I was addressing.

You lived in New York City while Bloomberg was Mayor and you didn’t know that the police sometimes threw people up against the wall.

I think that says it all really.

Does Andrew Wakefield deserve credit for trying to save lives?

Yet another post from you, yet again not one ounce of empathy for the people that Bloomberg terrorised for a decade.

As I said: its almost as if black lives don’t matter. The narrative is crystal clear.

Don’t spend too much time worrying about Bloomberg as the nominee. For that to happen Sanders, Pete, and Warren would all have to quit the race or end up 6 feet under.

Or if he wins more delegates than them.

I know it’s traditional that the winner of the first two matchups is a favorite but I really don’t think it’s happening for Buttigieg. Even with a good bounce, he needs a lot better numbers in the other states. In fact, Pete and Bloomberg’s odds of winning are about the same way n 538 right now.

If anybody is close to enough votes on first ballot they won’t suddenly dump that person. They will probably win on 2nd ballot.