Mike Huckabee, annointed by God.

Here is the link to the Arkansas Democrat Gazette article.

I am so buying a copy of that when I get off work. Hooray for living in Arkansas!

I shall bump this thread by quoting Mrs. Plant’s response when I arrived home and showed her the paper.

I’d become a believer if that church got flattened by a tornado.

Especially of the debris spelled out “I’m backing Obama, you shmucks.”

St. Jude: “Thy disciples would have thee anoint this Mike Huckabee as the new Goliath.”
God: “Yea, verily.”
St. Jude: “He’s a bit of a weenie.”
God: “Eh, whaddya gonna do?”

I didn’t realize the paper was subscription.

Moderators, how much of this fascinating and politically important story may I quote?

I thought that churches weren’t allowed to endorse candidates. Won’t they lose their tax exempt status?

That’s how they get around it. That’s all it takes.

James Dobson starts off his speeches with the same sort of disclaimer.

I can see the election unfolding now: Heaven endorses Huckabee, Hell endorses the Democrat, and a tightly contested election comes down to a group of 537 seraphim in the southern peninsula of the afterlife. Finally, in a split decision that the Holy Ghost blames on partisanship, the Father and the Son rule that the vote stands and won’t be recounted. So Huckabee becomes President.

Dobson is not a clergyman, nor head of a church.

Don’t know what’s so unusual about this. Democrats have always used churches in their campaigns. The photo-op and story of a Democratic candidate arm in arm with elders or the choir at the pulpit of (especially) a (black) church is standard fare for every election cycle.

Just because he’s good enough for God doesn’t mean he’s good enough for the New Beginnings Church.

But I don’t recall any Democratic candidate of the last twenty years who’s claimed an exclusive endorsement from God. I suppose it’s just part of their wimpy liberal (no offense) agenda, claiming that God loves everybody. When conservatives know that what God really loves is winner.

Funnily enough, Mike Huckabee was “called to preach”, which he did for a while, then moved on to politics. My late step-grandmother, a Southern Baptist stalwart, was very miffed at him for “abandoning the call to preach”, for in her eyes, that was disobeying God’s will. So, for God to endorse Huckabee after he was so forsaken by him seems to be a stretch. Of course, if God just sits there and lets innocent children get raped and murdered, I don’t take much stock in what he thinks, anyway.

Oh goody. This give me another excuse to link to my favorite scientific study ever.

He’s the head of a non profit organization that does not pay taxes.

Head is still spinning over fundamentalist Christians wearing yarmulkes…
I think baby Jesus might be crying somewhere.

Or kvetching.

Unfortunately, all politicians feel they must infest churches. However, how many of these churches make endorsements in the name of god?

One would think that the almighty creator of the universe could send out a press release if he had a mind to.

Or throwing His yarmulke down in frustration?

Me neither, but Mike Huckabee didn’t make any such claim.