Mike Pence in 2024-- please tell me it's not happening

That’s the thing about the Federalist Society - they’re conservative as hell, but by and large they aren’t inherently anti-Democratic. Among the many, many examples of Trump’s incompetence as a political operative is his failure to realize how his appointing a large number of conservative judges was not feudalism in action. Virtually every time one of Trump’s absurd legal challenges to the election reached one of them, they kicked said challenges to the curb. In this context Trump was very much a useful idiot and most of his appointees do not seem to feel loyal or particularly beholden to him.

I am inclined to include his Supreme Court picks here as well. They may be frighteningly conservative generally, but I’ve seen no signs yet that they are particularly fond or supportive of Donald Trump or Trumpian legal gibberish.

Also, the Federalist Society consider themselves to be the elite who ought to be running things, and have nothing but disdain for the mob of penny stinkards upon which the Trump base is built. The moment they catch a whiff of a wind suggesting that putting up with those bumpkins is no longer a necessary evil, they’ll gladly give them the back of their hands.

::as Heritage Foundation rolls up their sleeves::
Oh yeah? :crazy_face:

It should be noted though, that as much credit as Pence is getting for this, his speech still referred to President Trump. And the applause breaks were all for the times he said “…but the Dems though!”

Still I guess we’ve gotta take even something this weak. A man whose life was threatened, finally a year later can admit that the man who is most often wrong about things was wrong about this one thing where 1) any idiot can check and see that he was wrong and 2) It’s extremely incriminating to agree with Trump on this point.

The American trope of avoiding saying “ex-”, “past” or “former” when referring to a past holder of the office, and of continuing to address the man in person as “Mr. President”, springing from a traditional etiquette of always referring to someone by whatever highest post they’ve ever held, has never been more annoying. We desperately need to establish that you revert to “mister” (or doctor, reverend, professor) once you become a private citizen.

But it means though that it’s still standard and unremarkable to refer to Trump as “President” Trump in a public event.

Really? Because all I recall hearing for e.g. Obama, is Former (US) President Obama.

Actually, the Office Of The President is the exception. There’s supposed to be only one President, former Presidents are supposed to revert to their highest previous office.

i.e. Governor Pence, Governor Clinton, Asshole Trump.

And in practice most people ignore it.

Do you have an example of someone saying “president Obama” after trump’s inauguration?
It’s not I don’t believe you, it’s just un-googlable so I’ve found nothing yet.

One of those three is still the incumbent.

Doesn’t change his title.

I noticed this when Ronald Reagan was running against Jimmy Carter: Reagan’s people always without exception referred to him as Governor Reagan, but I never heard Carter’s people refer to him as Governor Carter.

He’s still Asshole Trump and always has been and always will be. Perpetual incumbent.

Wouldn’t that have been because he was President Carter at the time?

Oops, I didn’t write that very clearly. I noticed, during the 1980 campaign, that Reagan’s campaign invariably referred to him as “Governor Reagan”, and it occurred to me that I didn’t recall Carter’s campaign in 1976 referring to him as “Governor Carter”.

And George H.W. Bush’s people referred to him as “Ambassador” throughout the 1980 campaign. I wish all former officeholders would take a page from Harry Truman’s book; he said he was glad to be going back to plain ol’ “Mr. Truman” after he left the White House.

More daylight appears between Pence’s lips and Agent Orange’s backside:

Pence condemns Republican Putin ‘apologists’ in speech to RNC donors

Something tells me he’s winding up to use recent developments to pitch himself for 2024.

Former Vice President Mike Pence on Friday condemned Republican “apologists” who have used positive language to describe Russian President Vladimir Putin amid his invasion of Ukraine, according to a source who was in the room as Pence spoke to top GOP donors.

“There is no room in this party for apologists for Putin. There is only room for champions of freedom,” Pence said. The line received applause from donors who were gathered for a Republican National Committee retreat in New Orleans, the source said. The event was closed to the press.

I guess he misses Reagan now. Somehow I doubt you’d be the right one to step into those shoes, though, Mikey.

“Putin only understands strength. As members of the party that won the Cold War, we must send a deafening message: Putin must stop or Putin must pay,” Pence said.

Republicans continue to dance on the 20 yard line as if they scored a touchdown. Republicans did not win the Cold War. The Cold War continues to this day. It’s time Republicans stopped congratulating Reagan for something he didn’t do.

Yeah, I saw Pence’s idiot fucking head on the news website and thought: “Did Pence die?”
Then I read the headline and thought: “You’re about five or six years too little and too late you phony piece of shit. Just fuck off already.”

He doesn’t like apologists for Putin but he’s fully okay with apologists for people who chanted on live television that they wanted to murder him. Odd choice for where to draw a line.