Mike Pence in 2024-- please tell me it's not happening

If it’s any consolation, there has never been a case where a one-term president’s vice president took the top job four (or more) years later. It seems unlikely that Pence will get the GOP nod. These days losing a general election is a kiss of death.

That helps. Thanks.

Not to burst your moment of relief but …

Considering the nature of the Rs these days, the likely fact that Pence doesn’t get the nod in 2024 is pretty well proof positive that somebody even worse will. We may not know their name right now, but we can predict what sort of person they will be and what sort of platform they’ll be pushing.

You’re welcome. :wink:

VP Nelson Rockefeller did not run for president but I don’t think anyone thought he would. He was just a place holder after Agnew and Nixon quit .

By 2022, it’ll be “Pence Who?” He’ll have to wear a nametag for Secret Service to recognize him.

This election is so close that I think he will run again if he is not involved in litigation or something else that is very negative. He’s a master at spinning bullshit, and people would have had 4 years to forget exactly what kind of human being he is.

Pence or Trump? Pence is not a master of anything.

By 2024 I expect Mike Pence will be hanging with Dan Quayle.

Quayle lives in Arizona now, and works for a private equity firm. He’s also 73 years old. 'Course, Pence does like hanging around with older men.

Yes. Yes he is and does.

I can see Dan Quayle and Mike Pence opening up a line of ice cream shops called “Dan and Mike’s Frozen Treats”.

The only flavor is vanilla though.

Not bland enough.
How about “Frozen Water Pops” served at room temperature.

I’ve been wrong on almost every Trump prediction (thank you Biden!) but I don’t see his kids gaining any traction. The only one that has the charisma is Ivanka and even if she could win the Republican nomination I don’t see her winning an election. I would expect the GOP to work hard to keep her away.

I want to see a Presidential debate where Pete demolishes Eric.

(but Eric never realizes it… comedy gold)

Here’s a thought: If Pence calmed down the Trump Shitstorm by using the 25th Amendment, might it not improve his future political chances?

Hypothetically, yes. In reality Pence has no spine.

He doesn’t need a spine-Just brains enough to know the horse he is riding is heading for a cliff.

I think the Rs will run someone like Tom Cotton. Not Pence; he is used goods. But they will hug Trump very tightly.

One person I do not see running is Nikki Haley, although she has been mentioned prominently elsewhere. But wouldn’t Haley v. Harris be a wonderful election?

If Trump doesn’t try again in 2024, Pence will try. I would say he’s too old, but look at the current presidential candidates.

I think Pence has a chance, but a slim one. I don’t know if such an overtly religious Republican ever won their presidential primary (I am not sure how religious George W. Bush was when running in 2000, as I hardly paid attention to politics at that time). In 2008 and 2012, for instance, we saw many such candidates (such as Michele Bachmann and Rick Santorum), but none of them got to the finish line.

I think the next Republican presidential candidate will either be someone like Trump, a classic Republican (Nikki Haley, Marco Rubio), or someone trying to get support from both groups (Ted Cruz). Maybe toss in someone very religious (Pence, supposedly Ted Cruz).

He can put a fake fly in his hair. It’s a good thing he doesn’t need to worry about changes in hair color. But if he becomes bald it can get confusing.

I can’t see Pence getting far. QAnon has him penned as already dead for being a traitor to Trump and has been replaced by a robot pending replacement by JFK Jr.