Mild Pitting - posters asking for advice and then ignoring it

Mallets, it can be done with very large mallets.

Trial & error- mullets didn’t work

Sort of like Whack a Troll?

And now the same guy has this little gem going on in IMHO:
How can I soothe and prevent my coin slot irritation?

So many potential jokes. So inappropriate. So unfair. :mad:

Now, I’m either really confused or just stupid. Isn’t “coin slot” a name for girl parts? Is s/he a lesbian?

I, for one, am sick of Freejooky and have no intentions of reading any more of his/her threads. He’s having too much fun at our expense. Oh, wait…this is the Pit. Die, troll! (Also works auf Deutsch!)

Me too!

You’re right, somebody else was. It doesn’t fucking matter that the situations are different, because the thing being bitched about is people not taking your (and others) advice. My point was that I don’t understand the sentiment of feeling disrespected when somebody doesn’t heed the advice. I just don’t get it.

Because nothing says Mensa member like being twenty-seven and dating a sixteen year old.

Maybe your advice isn’t the premium, high-quality stuff that mine is.

We can agree on that one. :slight_smile:

in Spanish it does:

menso,-a m,f LAm fam pey dummy, jerk

Intellectually smug? Check.

Emotionally insecure? Check.

Unable to attract a girl old enough to know better? Check.

Sounds like your average male Mensa member to me.

Refresh my memory-got a link?


Does yours do windows? I’ve been searching for advice that does windows. :slight_smile:

My advice does windows, rotates your tires, and has a hot meal waiting for you when you come home. And yet people still spurn it. :confused:

Here ya go.

In case no one has said it already, people ask for “advice” to try to reassure themselves that what they are doing is okay.

Obviously, the other OP feels tinge of guilt for dating a 16 year old, so he comes on here hoping to catch something, anything that will ease his mind and convince himself that what he is doing is okay.

Alternatively, he could be asking for negative advice that he hadn’t already considered. I would assume that if you were drawing up a list of reasons not to date a 16-year-old, “I could get arrested and sent to jail” would be the first one you thought of. Since all of the “advice” that OP got in his thread basically amounted to that, I would say he had already considered that objection before he started the thread.

Except that I do not think he was aware of all of the possible ways he could get arrested. Most folks (even that guy) seemed to be aware that “having sex with an underaged person can get me into trouble”. However, I suggested he investigate the laws more carefully, cause in my jurisdiction stuff that folks think of as ‘heavy petting but not sex’ can also get them into jail. And, I saw no reason to believe that the guy took that advice, either.