So, I’ve got an upcoming assignment with the Air Force to the Republic of Korea (because I always get asked: It’s the South one:D)
Anyhow, it has come to my attention that the government there likes to censor the internet, including DPRK websites and stuff like porn. Not excited about that, but hey, their country, I just want to arm myself with some knowledge here in case I need to plan around anything before I go.
What sort of stuff that I might use every day (message boards, Facebook, Youtube, IM programs) might I have problems with in Korea? What are some solutions to deal with that? I was planning to use Skype to keep in touch with family and friends back in the US, but I’ve heard that might be blocked in Korea. Any info on that?
When I did computer support, I talked with a young woman in Korea who was using Skype from her computer. Of course, than was just over a year ago, and she was civilian, not military.
Your concern is misguided. As a member of the US military, you are subject to whatever military restriction that may be in place with Internet access. WAG - That may include on and offbase. Offbase, for the most part, you would be subject to local laws, such as this one —> Internet Censorship in South Korea - Information Policy
Following up on what Duckster said, it may also depend on your position. Open source data on DPRK isn’t likely to be restricted if you’re an intelligence punk (who gets to have all the cold damned Mountain Dew he wants while the rest of us work for a living…). :mad:
Well, I was more concerned with the ability to use Facebook and Skype than anything else. I don’t have a terribly compelling need to read whatever the DPRK has to say (though I hear it can be hilarious at times), and I surf surprisingly little of the internet at large from work (Well, I use TV Tropes at work. Honestly, if they banned it from government computers, I wouldn’t blame 'em.)
I live in Korea and have never experienced any trouble with any of the websites I use. My boyfriend says that on some porn sites he gets some kind of error message in Korean but most of them work fine.
South Korea is one of the most wired countries in the world, I would say. You might experience some internet censorship with porn but I can’t think of anything else that would be blocked from here.
My nephew is currently in the Air Force on assignment in Korea, where he’s been for the last couple of years. He certainly doesn’t seem to have trouble communicating through his Facebook page and by other means. Not sure about Skype.
I’ve been there once. Had fun snow boarding in the mountains around there. You are only 100 miles West of Daegu and there is a gun range there.
You’re like 150 miles South of Seoul, but you could probably get there quicker than Daegu if you don’t have your own car. I have not been to a gun range in Seoul, so I couldn’t tell you where one is, but I assume there’s got to be.
If you’re ever up for traveling to Deagu–and you should be, if you enjoy night life–then let me know and I will tell you how to get to the gun range there. You will absolutely want to spend a 4-Day weekend in that city!
I am not sure if there is one closer to Kunsan. As a KATUSA when you get there.
I have lived and worked with the military in Korea for over 20 years. If you’re based at Osan you’ll be about an hours bus ride from Seoul. Internet access is some of the best in the world, and if you live off base you’ll have high speed fiber access with download speed in the megabytes. On post it sucks. Not sure if the AF uses the same on post Internet service as the army, but I believe they do.
You’ll find more censorship on the military Internet access than the Korean access. They do block hardcore, but most everything else works. I use Skype, I have used Vonage, I’ve used VPN, and I’ve never had any problems whatsoever.
Koreans are big computer users, and the country is almost 100% covered with wireless. There are more and more free access points available all the time, and wireless smart phones are all the rage right now. Computer games are big and you will find “Computer bang” or computer rooms available everywhere. They are a little expensive as you use their computers and pay by the hour for access. They love games and even have a couple of TV channels where games are played for competition. The best players have the status of sports stars.
Get out and see the country and you’ll love it here.