I see real estate shows where spectacular million dollar mansions are displayed, and I was wondering what a million dollars (more or less…and don’t go overboard on the “more”, please) worth of house would look like in your area.
For example, a typical “million dollar mansion” in Portland, Oregon looks like this: Portland, OR Real Estate - Portland Houses for Sale | realtor.com®
3 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths and just a smidgen over 2,000 square feet of living space. Maybe this is why those tv shows never go to Portland to shoot an episode?
I can find places for >$1M in my area that are under 1,000 sq ft. Depending on how far you consider in the area, can find like 4 bedroom 5 bath, 3,500 sq ft for a million too.
Closest current listing I could find without going over $1 million is this. It’s nice. Very much my style, but it needs more bookcases. I’d probably convert the pool room to a library.
$1,000,000 house in our neighborhood looks like approximately 45% of the houses in our neighborhood.
They are large houses built right up to the absolute legal limit of how much of one’s property can be covered by the footprint of one’s house, and as tall as they can legally be built. They have yards the size of your kitchen table because all the property is being used for McMansion.
These were middle class houses in the 1950s and 60s. But the neighborhood is close enough to the city to have become ultra-prime real estate for people who want to work in the city. The house me & my partner live in was a $200,000 house not so terribly long ago but the lot would sell for $700,000 easily. The people who purchase it would immediately knock the house down and bring in bulldozers and rip up the foundations and put wider and deeper ones to erect yet another McMansion.
A search of my county listings shows a 4.2 acre lot for $990K and a 4 BR/3.5 BA on a 65 acre horse farm/riding business for just over $1million that’s been on the market for almost 2 years.
We’re a rural bedroom community of DC, home to NAS Patuxent River. There are 17 listings over $1M, some just land, most already under contract, and the most expensive being a modest 4/2 home on 215 waterfront acres at just over $2.25M. It will be interesting to see what’s listed next week - properties move fast around here.
A million is not buying a mansion around here. A very nice home on a nice piece of property, but not a mansion. Great town by the way. I use to live there.
You should see how little we got for $400k and had to $40k into complete bathroom redos. Though it is the right size for us and everything is less than the house we sold, so it worked out well.
Where I live (Delaware) you can get a nice McMansion for under $500K. It’s not going to have a lot of land though.
The CEO of my old company about 5 years ago had a million dollar house out in the middle of nowhere in PA. It had the nice circular driveway, the interior was high end McMansion (nice, but still accessible), they had a pool, a ton of land, and enough livable space that they hadn’t had time to furnish it all (they were quite nouveau riche). You could have built a bowling alley in their finished basement.
Back when I lived in Washington state about 20 years ago, they had a thing called Street of Dreams, where you got to tour a street of million dollar houses before they went up for sale. Those were fucking awesome. Granite, expensive wood, and gold leaf everywhere, you were afraid to touch anything. They even had secret passageways hidden by bookshelves and shit. I can’t even imagine what those would cost nowadays.
I feel fortunate to have just bought a house in Pasadena for under a million. We were hoping for 3 beds, 2 baths, a garage and and a yard for under $900k. But that wasn’t happening, so we settled on a home with one bath and a shared driveway (which had apparently scared off most of the competition.)
Here’s a nearby house that sold for an even million within the last year (though its estimated value has already increased substantially): 2 bed, 2 bath, 1270 sq. ft., quarter acre lot.
There is just one home currently on the market for $1 million plus in my neck of the Kentucky Bluegrass. The house at 2700 sq. feet isn’t all that much to look at, but you do get the makings of a pretty nice horse farm - 98 acres with multiple paddocks, a 5-bent barn (whatever that is*), ponds etc.
*I see that a “bent” is a unit of framing timbers. If you have 5 bents you supposedly have 4 bays, allowing you to have 4 horsies.
After a quick check on Zillow, it looks like it would get you a recently renovated rowhouse near the Metro station. Petworth neighborhood of Washington, DC.
South Bristol, in Southern England. I’m afraid you aren’t going to be very wowed with what you can get for a million dollars (c.£700k). A 4-6 bed victorian terrace. Small garden. Probably about 1500-2000 SQFT.
We suffer from ‘London flight’, which pushes up the house prices. And it’s only a 10 minute walk from the harbour/city centre.
This is in my county, about 30 miles from me. There aren’t too many listings getting close to a million bucks here, but if you move over one county, you’d find a lot more.
In the rich county, you can find a lot more $1mm + listings. That’s where the country music stars live, and the executives etc. Here’s a modest, livable example. This is a comfortable house on almost 3 acres.
I found two houses for just under a million, a bit less than 1100 sq ft with 3 bedrooms. That area has prefab houses. Many of them have been renovated, some have been torn down and rebuilt.
Most houses in that area are $1.3 million or so. Then ones where I live, a few blocks away, are at least $1.5 million for a1300 - 1500 sq ft.