Mind dating someone with the same first name at all?

Yes, but does the wrong Lisa get sexually explicit text messages intended for the right Lisa?

Wouldn’t bother me at all.

I’m sure I could get past it for the right person, but it would be off-putting. I think it’s probably pretty obvious what my real name is.

I had an Aunt and Uncle Reg. You’d think one of them would go by the full version of their name, but no. (This is the ‘Aunt Reg who had no legs and eventually no arms’ that I’ve mentioned before).

I’ve done it. I used to go by a nickname that could be used by males or females. I casually dated a guy with the same name for about a month or so. I had a female fuck buddy that went by the same name. It was weird sometimes when people would say my name and I would be sure if they were addressing me or the other person. Since I never really got seriously involved (i.e., meeting the family, etc.), I didn’t really think too much into it. Now I’m married to a man with a very different name from me.

I’d find it amusing more than anything. Probably easy fodder jokes among friends, I could throw in a little quip about being narcissistic and that would probably be the extent of it.

Assuming I was attracted to her, I’d have no problem dating a girl with my name, or a boy with the masculine version of it. It’d be nowhere near as weird as dating someone with the same name as my brother or sister … I’m not sure if I could do that.

My cousin, who goes by J.L, married a woman named Joelle.

I met 2 different couples on my recent trip which had this-Jamie and Jamie, and then Chris and Chris(tie). Never had met any other couples like that, ever.

My name is techically unisex, but considering that I’ve only met male Shannons twice my entire life, I would find it a combination of odd and off-putting. I’d like to claim I’d be able to get past it if the guy was great, but considering I couldn’t when guys have shared my dad’s name, I think the claim would probably not hold up in practice.

I have a fairly unisex name. Wouldn’t bother me at all.

My family likes to recycle names. All first born sons are named after the father. Other sons are named after uncles, etc. The cake goes to my uncle Patric, who married aunt Patty and had a son Patric. They were going to name their daughter Patricia, but Grandma said she’d disown them if they did that. To top things off, my father married my mother, Nancy who’s middle name was Ann, so did his brother. 2 Nancy Ann’s by marriage…

As for me? Yeah, I’ve been with partners with the same name. Never been weird for me, with all the same names in the family… Plus being gay, you sorta expect it to be a possibility…