Mind dating someone with the same first name at all?

Yea, as a practical matter, one or the other of you is going to get nicknamed pretty quickly by your friends and family. And if having the same name bothers you, you can use a nickname for your SO as well (most couples seem to rarely call each other by name anyways). So it seems kind of a silly thing to get worked up about, chances are if you stay together for any appreciable amount of time, you’ll only be commonly called by the matching names during formal occasions.

The OP reminds me of a great thread from a while back, something like “what’s your Sienfeldian limit” or whatnot. Don’t remember even enough to get a good search, but it noted how many trivial things Jerry broke up with people over (e.g. man hands) and Dopers posted their own versions.

I knew a Terri and Terry. Weirder than the names were the circumstances. Terri was Tom’s twin sister. Terry was Tom’s best friend from childhood. Not long after Tom left home for college, Terri and Terry hooked up.

I think a lot of people who would find the same names off-putting are those that already have a significant other. There are so many more important aspects other than names, which are more along the line of meaningless in the overall scheme of things.

If I found someone with whom I was happy, and them with me, I would consider myself lucky, and cannot imagine something like a name deterring anything.

Life is just to short to prioritize names, at least over anything of real substance, imo.

I know a couple through work that are both named Robin. And they have the same birth date. That’s weird.

No. Sorry, but a man named Laura would be too strange. :smiley:

I briefly dated a girl with the same name as my sister. It was beyond weird but I put up with it as she was exceptionally hot. I tried to advert some of the awkwardness by pretty much calling her “Babe” or some other pet name exclusively.

I think the last straw was when I accidentally texted my sister a rather graphic “sext messege” (No pictures just dirty talk) Honestly, we broke up for legitimate reasons but man, I don’t know that I’ll ever date a girl with that name again.

I know a couple who are both named Alex. It’s a little weird occasionally, but nothing major.

My name’s Robert. I don’t think I could be with a Robert, Roberta, Rob, Bob, Bobby, Bobbi, or Bert.

Oddly, I have a strongly male-gendered first name, and I’d only have an issue with it if the potential romantic partner was a guy - it would be something of a turn on to meet a gal who had it (it’s weird, I know, but I have a ‘thing’ for cross-gendered names).

With a name like Jamie, I’ve found myself in this situation more than once in my life. I don’t have any issue with it at all, and I actually find that it can make for a great ice-breaker. What I do is I say I spell Jamie the “masculine” way and all the others are “feminine” varieties. Tongue-in-cheek, of course. :stuck_out_tongue:

I have an uncle Gino (Luigino) married to a woman named Gina (Luigina). (My aunt Gina also has a sister named Regina, but that’s another issue.)

My name is Regina and if I dated a guy named Reginald, I wouldn’t mind. Some of my family call me Reggie, but not often enough that I would feel weird even if the guy went by Reggie.

Fortunately, my father’s and brother’s names are so unusual in the US that I have very little chance of dating anyone with the same name. But I have a family friend who married a woman with the same name as his sister, and I’ve always thought that must have been so awkward, at least in the beginning of their relationship.

I have the same name as my brother’s girlfriend. This has led to some embarrassing and deeply disturbing text messages intended for her being received by me.

One of my husband’s brothers has a daughter named Nickie. He also has a son named Nicholas. Nickie’s husband is named or called Nick.

I always get them confused.

I don’t think that I’d mind dating a guy named Lynn, though I can see that if someone called out “Hey, LYNN!”, both of us might turn around to see who’s paging us.

I’m also an Alex, and I think it’d be weird dating another Alex but I’d get over it pretty quick if we were otherwise compatible.

My wife and my mother have the same name. Again, a little weird at first, but you get used to it. OTOH, in the nearly 20 years we’ve been together I’ve probably referred to my wife by her name no more than a few dozen times.


I have a generic first name, and yes I’ve dated girls with the same name as me. It made it interesting when we went out and someone who knew one of us saw us and called out our name.

I know someone named Lisa, whose brother married someone named Lisa, so she loses the uniqueness of her name, to, of all people, her sister-in-law.

My first and middle name are the first and last name of a famous male comedian, who I happen to loathe entirely and who happens to play a character with the same first name on TV. (You probably just figured out who.) Consequently I have a reflexive negative opinion of men with our first name.

I would date a woman with the name, though. It’s fairly common in my age bracket, and it wouldn’t bother me if I had a connection with the woman.

Well, think how bad it would be if you had to share a class with your near-identically named female cousin. It was not my easiest term

Who would even have pause about such a silly thing?