Minority American politicians (executive branch)

Who is currently the highest-ranking openly gay member of the executive branch of the federal government of the United States?

Who is currently the highest-ranking Muslim member of the executive branch of the federal government of the United States?

Who is currently the highest-ranking Jewish (as in, practising the Jewish religion) member of the executive branch of the federal government of the United States?

Who is currently the highest-ranking Mormon member of the executive branch of the federal government of the United States?

Who is currently the highest-ranking Asian member of the executive branch of the federal government of the United States?

Who is currently the highest-ranking Indian (Native American) member of the executive branch of the federal government of the United States?

Who is currently the highest-ranking openly HIV-positive member of the executive branch of the federal government of the United States?

Who is currently the highest-ranking Scientologist member of the executive branch of the federal government of the United States?

Better yet, is there some website which keeps track of such things?

At first I was wondering why you were asking, but then I decided since this is GQ, maybe I really don’t want to know.

There is at least one Muslim ambassador, Zalmay Khalilzad, currently U.S. ambassador to Iraq.

Scott Evertz, who was appointed in 2001 as director of the Office of National AIDS Policy, is openly gay. I’m not sure if he still holds that job.

Michael Chertoff, Secretary of Homeland Security, is Jewish. I believe Joshua Bolton, the White House Chief of Staff, is also Jewish. Cabinet officers outrank the Chief of Staff according to protocol but probably not in real power. I don’t know if either one is practicing.

Michael Leavitt, Secretary of Health and Human Services, is Mormon, I think.

Elaine Chao, Secretary of Labor, was born in Taiwan to Chinese parents.

The rest I don’t know.

Right-wing or politically conservative governments are often accused of being insensitive, intolerant, or even hostile to minority groups. Since the current American administration is usually described as right-wing and conservative, I wanted to know whether these groups were represented at the highest levels of the executive government by actual members of said groups.

And, of course, the highest ranking African-American is Condi Rice. Also, highest ranking woman!

Michael Guest, who was the US ambassador to Romania from 2001-2004, is also gay, but he’s no longer the ambassador.Also, Donal Coppocia, also gay, was a member of the Commission on Fine Arts, but he’s not currently.

And Scott Evertz is still chairman, bibliophage

And, while he also isn’t currently in the administration, the highest ranking Mormon in the Bush administration was probably Brett Scowcroft, who was Chairman of the Foreign Intelligence Advicory Board.

Yeah, but women aren’t a minority group in the general US population (which isn’t to say they aren’t politically disadvantaged in many respects).

The highest ranking Asian is probably Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta.

Mineta retired. It is Chao.

Norman Mineta resigned in July. Elaine Chow is Secretary of Labor, so I’d give her the tag of highest-ranking Asian.