Mipsman! (And Others) MREH gets a booster shot!

For MREH supporters the recent issue of JHE might be reason for a visit at the library. The article to look for is this one:

John Hawks et al.
An Australasian test of the recent African origin theory using the WLH-50 calvarium
[Journal of Human Evolution (2000) 39, 1-22]
The authors state that they disproved the replacement of archaic australasien population by modern human descendants from Africa.

Their confidence derives from “a discriminant analysis of metric data for three samples that are potential ancestors of WLH-50 (Ngandong, Late Pleistocene Africans, Levant hominids from Skhul and Qafzeh) and a pairwise difference analysis of nonmetric data for individuals within these samples.”
BTW: There is also an extensive study carried out by Don Johnson, analyzing mandibles and dentition of A. afarensis. He claims that his results indicates that there is no stasis as is currently assumed for afarensis but a clear temporal variation in this lineage.
[Journal of Human Evolution (2000) 39, 23-55]

Just food for thought!

I came here to raise a “0 Replies” thread long enough to gather an audience.
But…this sounds to complicated for IMHO.

Why don’t you share a beer with me while we decide if it’s a GQ or a GD topic?

Actually, you decide, because I’m already a few beers ahead of you and my own mandibles are about to pass out.

Thanks, Oncle Bière, I really just stuck this thing in IMHO to see if mipsman (millions of instructions per second man) was alive and kicking.

I’ll send you an invitation the next time I find something that supports MREH and we’ll be able to start equal beer for beer! (But don’t stop drinking, it might take a while.)
