Couldn’t find a completely suitable forum for this question, so I shan’t be at all surprised/upset if the Mods decide against my choice to post in GQ.
The capital letters A H I M O T U V W X Y are unaffected by viewing in a mirror, so what’s the longest sensible English word or phrase that can be constructed using only these letters that also reads as a sensible English word or phrase when viewed in a mirror, I’ll be even more impressed if the phrase is truly palindromic.
I’ll permit spaces between words to be omitted/ignored, as this ought to make it a tiny bit easier.
It certainly is palindromic. One of the rules of palindromes is that you ignore spaces. The only reason it isn’t a mirror image is because of those spaces (or if you write it in lowercase).
But I was mistaken that the phrase will have to be palindromic to meet the requirements of the OP.