Miss Suzy Had A Steamboat

Eeeny meeny dessalini
Ooah ah mareeny
Atchi katchi koomaratchi
Oo-ah ah
Ish kiddaly oaten boaten
Bobop a ditten dotten
Wotten totten

Or the clapping game:
Stella stella ola
Clap clap clap
Singing S chico chico
Chico chico cracker jack
S chico chico
I owe I owe
I’ve gotta blow my nose
so one, two, three, four, five.

Learned in the Boy Scouts:

Oten Doten little doten
Itten bitten little kitten
Ish billy oten doten
Bo doh skee-deeten dotten
Wad ot en choo

There was a troop in our district (National Capitol Area Council) that would challenge all other troops they met to repeat this (starting with just the last line, then adding another line until you had the whole thing), and even had “WAD OT EN CHOO” t-shirts printed up. So their influence kept the form of this pretty consistent in the greater D.C. area.

My father told me a slightly different version:
There was an old farmer who lived by the crick
A wicked old farmer who played with his–
Marbles in springtime…
A later verse had a line, “shoveling out–
Contents of stable…”
That’s all I remember after 40 years.

Down, down baby
Down, down the roller coaster
Sweet sweet baby
I’ll never let you go.
Shimmy shimmy cocoa pop
Shimmy shimmy POW!
Shimmy shimmy cocoa pop
Shimmy shimmy POW!
Grandma, grandpa, sick in bed.
Call the doctor and the doctor said,
“Let me hear the rhythm of the head” Ding-dong
“Let me hear the rhythm of the head” Ding-dong
“Let me hear the rhythm of the feet” stomp stomp
“Let me hear the rhythm of the feet” stomp stomp
“Let me hear the rhythm of the hot dog.
Let me hear the rhythm of the hot dog.”
Put it all together, and what do you got?
Ding dong, stomp stomp, hot dog
Ding dong, stomp stomp, hot dog
Put it all backwards, and what do you got?
Hot dog, stomp stomp, ding dong.
Hot dog, stomp stomp, ding dong.

I remember doing this one in from kindergarten, and watching it on Sesame Street.

Annamae, where are you going?
Upstairs to take a bath
Annamae, with legs like pencils
Annamae, with a neck like a giraffe
Annamae, getting in the bathtub
Annamae, pulling out the plug
Oh my gracious! Oh my soul!
Annamae’s going down the hole!
Annamae? Annamae?

“Oh we were brought up on the Space-Race, now they expect us to clean toilets. When you have seen how big the world is how can you make do with this?”
Pulp, “Glory Days”