Miss Universe Buenos Aires: Can you believe she's 60?

From her photos, I’d never know.
(60-year-old makes history as Miss Universe Buenos Aires)

From the photos, I’d have guessed a very well-hidden 50-55. Good for her, that’s a hell of an uphill battle to have climbed.

I can believe it. I have a friend who’s 68 and doesn’t look anything like it.

I was with her and some of her friends at a bar, and she whispered to me “Don’t tell them how old I am.”

The article keeps saying that she’s "challenging the ageist norms of beauty, but I don’t see it. She’s just continuing to conform to them at a later age than most.

Yeah, she’s an old woman who looks young. What would actually challenge ageist norms of beauty would be for a woman with grey hair and wrinkly skin to win (even if she was actually young).

I’d put her not less that 40 and guess about 48. The second photo (beach? Playa?) instantly reminded me of someone in a way that the others don’t, at all, even going back again looking at the them again.

60 is the new 40.

I look at the photo and saw the tattoo. Ugly.
I see the belly button piercing. Ugly.

I can’t see past that.

I guess she’s pretty. Kept in shape. Wonder if she’s had any work done on her face?

The tattoo and the belly-button piercing are on two different people, but I guess they can both be ugly.

I mostly thought about what amazing things makeup can achieve. Rodríguez looks 30 years older in the second picture than in the first.

Ahh. Ok. I didn’t read, just looked at the pics

Meh. I reserve the right to be old when I am old. We don’t encourage men to look 20 when they’re 60, so why should women have to do it?

I earned every white hair on my head, and I intend to keep them.

That’s my take on it, too. Exactly when are women allowed to quit focusing on looking attractive to men? I want to be a crone, dammit!

Seriously, back in 1978, I thought the women’s movement was someday going to get us to the point where women didn’t have to be attractive to be successful. Guess I underestimated that whole patriarchy thing, didn’t I?

I’m surprised she’s not Mrs. Universe

I guess she never wanted to marry. Careers are more important these days.