Missing keys on laptop--fixable?

My cat vandalized my laptop and now I’m missing some keys. Not useless keys like “8” or" “x”, but my spacekey, “b” and “;” and something else that I don’t recognize.

Yes, it is fixable (usually by replacing the entire keyboard).

Any computer repair shop should be able to do it.

If you want to do it yourself (how easy this is will depend on the laptop):

Is your laptop under warranty? If so, contact the manufacturer and they will be able to provide a replacement keyboard.

If not, you should be able to buy one online.

Fixable. But the amount of time and money involved depends on the brand and model. One of my older windows machines had a replaceable keyboard; just pop out the old one, pop in the new one, and you’re done. With my wife’s Sony, they told her it would be in the repair center for three days and cost over $200 (she ended up just buying a new computer). With my MacBook Pro, I forget the exact numbers, but it was a “while you wait” replacement at an Apple store and didn’t cost too much.

You don’t necessarily have to replace the whole keyboard. If the key just popped off without anything breaking you may be able to snap it back on. If the key itself broke, but not the attachment thingy on the keyboard, you can probably buy a replacement key and snap it on.

Keys are easily replaceable for about $4-5 each. I can say from experience that putting them on right can be a bad experience. I sit down with magnifying glasses and lots of light. I really suggest letting a shop perform this repair unless the price is extremely high. If you had a donor computer, you could practice on keys you don’t need before changing the ones you need. Another alternative is to use a replacement USB keyboard. They make some tiny ones for this purpose that can sit over the existing board.

Still another possibility is to obtain a clone model of what you have and use your laptop as the doner for future repairs.

When it happened to me i just bought a new keyboard on ebay… like $10 and its really easy to replace

A few repair examples.

Great post/username combo. I’ve worked on a few laptops where replacing keys was, indeed, a lurking horror. :slight_smile:

I twice bought a few replacement keys from Machina Electronics in Chicago. Their service was great; the keys came within a few days and they had a guide on how to put them on. I would definitely recommend giving the website a look.

Fixable if the keys are just “popped off” the cat mauling did not damage the seating clips or similar structures beneath the keys that clip the keys in place. If not damaged simply order new key caps. If damaged you can usually get a new keyboard for $20-$50 for most popular notebooks. Replacing will normally involve some screwdriver and clip/unclip work, but it’s generally straightforward.

Good deal…my neighbor is a computer guru so I;ll trade him a haircut for some keyoard work. Man, thisis irritating!