Mitt, get that fucking smirk off of your face and try to show a modicum of respect.

In a Presidential Debate you have been so heavily programmed, rehearsed and directed that you’re incapable of wiping that obnoxious smirk off of your face. Either you chose the tactic or bought into someone’s brilliant clever tactic. Either way, epic fail.

You’re a poor actor, a liar and a bigot. You can’t show respect to the sitting President of the United States of America? Really? Obama listens and looks at you with manners and grace. And you sit there smirking.

You, sir, are a rude and ill-mannered prick. Og help us you get elected. Your lack of respect dictates that you are not deserving of any respect.

He interrupts and speaks over, too.

He’s a Republican. I think when you join the party you are required to have either a permanent smirk or a scowl surgically installed.

Bets that after the smirk’s effect becomes apparent in post-debate polls, Mitt demands that the remaining debates drop the split-screen presentation?

Fortunately, unless and until he is elected and takes control over all televised airwaves ( He just announced he will kill PBS… ), he has no control at all over the two-box look we are currently seeing.

His PEOPLE can complain. They may have enough power to threaten to do bad things if that format is not abandoned. I hope they don’t. Watching BOTH of them at all times is not only educational- it’s very very honest.

Oops. That’s why he won’t want it to continue. Got it !!

I thought he was having trouble with his dentures… all that sucking and smirking… he looked like a cranky old guy fishing to get that corn kernel out of his teeth.

Yup… the talking over everyone and whining at the moderator was rude.

I dunno man…I think that may simply be his face. It froze that way.

The thing that bothered me the most about the debate is that Obama didn’t bring up the 47% issue when discussing medicare/social security. But perhaps he is saving that zinger for the final debate that is closer to the election.

As for Romney, I think he held his own.

I didn’t see it, so much as hear it, heard in on the radio, so I don’t have a visual on the smirk aspect. But I heard how he more or less treated Jim Leher like he was the help. And it turns out that all the stuff I was pretty sure was his agenda? That’s all stuff he would never dream of doing.

When did he turn into a human Cheeto?

I only caught the last twenty minutes or so of the debate, 'cause I was watching Castle reruns on another station. And the only thing I could think watching Romney is that Nathan Fillion should totally play him in the biopic. There’s not a huge physical similarity, but they both seem to naturally radiate ‘smug’.

Just went online to see how the debate is polling. Didn’t find much but some of Hollywood is tweeting.

I just don’t know what to say. Romney changed stripes again tonite, spoke many untruths and like a thief stole the night.
~Michael Moore

Closing statements, Mitt won the coin toss. And put the coin in the Cayman Islands
~Bill Maher

debate frustration. I wanted Obama to TALK FASTER. and SAY MORE.
~Rebecca Stead (not sure who she is but she’s in the mix)

#Obama is having his lunch eaten. On to the next one.
~Abby Huntsman

CBS analysis says Romney stomped Obama with undecided voters
~ABF Foundation @ABFalecbaldwin

GOP needed some good news–Romney delivered it. Shd be clear now why he led one of the most successful private equity firms in the world.
~Laura Ingraham

Well that sucked.


Wasn’t there supposed to be some sort of, oh, I don’t know… a gentleman’s agreement? As to the role of the moderator? About how he is the boss of you? And if he asks you a direct question about fish, you don’t start talking about bathtubs?

And I think when he tells you your time is up you’re supposed to stop talking instead of blustering about the important point you still have yet to make.

Thought for sure Romney would get banned.

But he stuck to the rules and won.

Except for sticking to the rules, yeah.

Obama had over 4 minutes more talking time than Romney. And still lost.

Beforehand they said that in the days before the debate the two of them (well, their people I’m sure) agreed on everything from the lighting to the angles of the podiums. I’d imagine at some point the split screen came up in the discussion. My guess, there’s going to be a lot of backlash over it, they’ll keep the split screen and in the next debate he’ll wipe the grin off his face and not speak until he’s spoken to. He really did come off as a pompous ass. But also, Jim needed to say “Governor Romney, it’s not your turn to speak right now”, “Mr Romney, I’m talking”, “Mitt, you can make all the stupid faces you want, but stop interrupting”. I know it was supposed to be a casual thing, go a few seconds over here and there, finish your sentence, make one more point, whatever, but he was just plain rude and you could see Jim sort of sink down in his chair with a look of “fine, whatever” a few times. I don’t think Mitt understood that this wasn’t campaigning anymore. He wasn’t giving a speech, he wasn’t cutting off a local reporter that was trying to trip him up. OTOH, I think Obama was more then happy to hand him a shovel.

Could be, listening to Romney makes time slow down a lot. He either made my life longer or my death closer, maybe both.

Still, from whence your numbers?