Mitt Romney's Speech

Well, the word “policy” might be too strong when applied to Trump, the same way that saying that a six-year-old throwing a tantrum has a “policy” or a “strategy” isn’t really accurate! Nevertheless, Trump makes statements – about Mexicans, Muslims, immigrants, the appropriate way to deal with the countries they come from and terrorists specifically, building a border wall, and many other things – that are simultaneously both outrageous yet represent the hitherto unspoken beliefs of much of the Republican base and some of their nuttier would-be leaders. I think this is a very important point about one of the reasons the Republican establishment is so upset with Trump, as Steve MB also noted over here. This is one of the most intriguing aspect of this whole election.

Republicans have been masters at language craftsmanship and the dog whistle, for good reason. Many of the things they really believe about immigrants, foreign policy, and the distribution of wealth are not things you want to say in public or in polite company. The Donald just comes right out and says them. As someone quite cleverly put it earlier, they have been hoisted by their own retard.

How one can claim to denounce Trump and then use the namby-pamby language that Romney did is completely beyond me. (It’s not like he has much of a stake in ruining his own political future, either.)

If you’re really going to criticize Trump, come out full-guns blazing. This stuff is a joke.

That is seriously full of shit. That was not "namby pamby " language at all.

Possibly Johnny Ace is a Trump supporter who thinks that unless you are commenting on dick size or what a “loooser” the other person is that the critique lacks real bite?

Hahaha I’m about as far from a Trump supporter as it’s possible to get without being one of his exes. He may not literally be the last person I’d trust in the Presidency, but he’s certainly among them.

But if you want examples:

How about mentioning a truly gargantuan and unfounded ego, an apparent inability to pay any significant attention to inconvenient things like facts, policies hearkening to early last century if not earlier, the restraint and pettiness of a 6-year-old, a total lack of anger management skills, and a schoolyard mentality?

I think that pretty much covers the bases.

I’m not sure how any of this is “namby-pamby language” and isn’t “full-guns blazing.”

A more distilled version which perhaps puts it in sharper relief:

The source you are quoting used the word “Trump”, not “Drumpf”. Use the latter all you like in your own text, as puerile as I may think it is, but there is no reason to change the text of something someone else wrote.

Not enough profanity, and too much grammar.

NPR’s Ari Schapiro said on Bill Maher’s show that “this is the most consequential week in politics in [his] lifetime”. He was born a couple years after Watergate, so I buy it. This is a BFD, a "tell your grandkids " type moment.


I would go further.

The only reason to use “Drumpf” is essentially an anti-immigrant, anti-German slur.

So his family name was originally “Drumpf” but gradually changed to “Trump” a long time ago.

What point is there in referring to him as “Drumpf”, other than to frame him as “not one of us”?

Mitt: “All we got is a lousy hat!”

It’s a play on the common t-shirt joke “my parents went to <fill in destination> and all I got was this lousy t-shirt”. Also, Trump has a dumb hat as part of his campaign paraphernalia.

I don’t think that’s fair to say. He is a hypocrite about that. He slammed Jon Stewart recently for this and he is being called out for it. It’s like pissing in the ocean at this point, but still fair.

Plus there is software that automatically does it for you. So you might repost and miss the change…

I installed the “Make Donald Drumpf Again!” Chrome extension. It does it for me. I didn’t care to change it back because a) it’s funny b) everyone knows who I’m talking about and c) I’m lazy. Deal with it.

Yeah, the whole point of John Oliver making that the pièce de résistance of his Trump Takedown last week. It’s pointing out Trump’s hypocrisy with regard to a thinly-veiled antisemitic Twitter rant about Jon Stewart changing his name.

No, in fact, I won’t deal with it. Your extension will modify all sources that you use for news quotes, which is not against the rules here (as far as I know), but does demonstrate that you are perfectly willing to alter the text of your sources, thus making you unreliable.

It will also modify all quotes from posters that you use, and that is against the rules.

I disagree. Trump was born with his name; Stewart was not. I have no objection to people changing their names, and it’s very common in the entertainment industry, but Trump is being an asshole about Stewart, not a hypocrite.

Not my problem. Posters should make certain that they are not altering the sources they are using for cites.

I posted Donald Drumpf’s words, not the words of a poster here.

If you feel that makes me unreliable, I am crushed but I will remove you as a reference on my CV.

Also, Junior Modding is “annoying and arrogant; at the other end, it’s a rules violation and warnable offense” (Emphasis, mine). So physician, heal thyself.

Rather than attacking one source maybe it would be more efficient if you get the software that turns it back. Somehow I think this thing has legs.

No, you didn’t. You posted excerpts from Romney’s speech about Trump, which did not contain the word Drumpf.

Who’s junior modding? I informed you that it is against the rules to alter a poster’s quote.