In this thread : Barack Obama asks why some societies were more tolerant of homosexuality than others. answers the question, making the statement that homosexuality is universally present at 5-10% rate in all cultures :
I dispute this statement :
I’m then moderated because it’s an hijack.
I dispute this moderation :
-The statement that there’s universally 5 -10% of homosexuals hasn’t been moderated as an hijack. I see no reason that one position on this issue should be moderated and the other not.
-If I’m correct, Tim argument is wrong for being based on a wrong assumption. Pointing out that an answer to a GQ is wrong, or at least can be wrong and explaining why isn’t an hijack (unless, again, the original statement was itself an hijack)
-It seems to me more than obvious that if homosexuality isn’t solely a genetic or epigenetic phenomenon, hence if the prevalence of homosexuality varies from one culture to another, the answer to the question “why is homosexuality tolerated in some culture and not others?” is going to be entirely different. People don’t pass law that forbid what they like doing. On the other hand, they’re perfectly willing to pass laws forbidding what a small minority likes doing. If a large part of the population indulge in homosexual sex, the reason why it’s “tolerated” is obvious. So, the issue of the prevalence, and as a result, of causes, of homosexuality is entirely relevant to this question of why homosexuality was accepted in some societies.
Finally, I know that Americans have come to associate “homosexuality is from birth” as pro-homosexual discourse and “'homosexuality isn’t from birth” (generally heard as “homosexuality is a choice”) as homophobic, and expected that on this board, someone would take offense at my denial that the “5%, from birth” is a proven fact (but I didn’t expect that from a moderator), so I even took the pain to point out that this association of ideas isn’t universal to defuse this risk (and in fact, even though I think neither statement can actually be considered homophobic, the arguments that used to be given to show that “people are homosexual from birth” is an homophobic statement had more merits than the as far as I can tell non existing arguments for the opposite conclusion). I’m of course adding this last paragraph because I suspect that I was moderated for making a non politically correct statement, or more exactly a statement that is associated with non politically correct discourse in the USA nowadays, even though this association is entirely caused by an American cultural peculiarity, and not by the statement itself being offensive. Hence that i was moderated not because contradicting the previous accepted statement was actually an hijack, but because the moderator thought that contradicting it could offend someone, or found it offensive himself.