Moderator changes

Effective today, Arnold Winklereid will no longer be serving as moderator and administrator. We thank Arnold for his years of tireless and generous service on our behalf. We’re gonna miss you in staff meetings, Noodles. :slight_smile:

Bibliophage is your new Comments on Cecil’s Columns moderator, moving over from General Questions.

TVeblen will be concentrating on what’s going on in the Pit and foregoing IMHO. This has actually been going on for quite some time, I just didn’t make it official.

Lynn Bodoni is moving to a more administrative capacity and will no longer be moderating in the Pit; however, she will be covering areas of the board as needed.

A big thank you to all our staffers for their great service; it’s a pleasure to toil in Cecil’s vineyard beside these dedicated and hard-working folks.


Always enjoyed Arnold’s posts. Look forward to more of them now he’s back in civvy street.

:: rips up old scorecard, prints out new one ::

:: rips up old dance card, prints out new one ::

Too bad about Arnold. A good moderator, one who understood the reason for the use of that word as the title for the post. :slight_smile:

I feel like such a quitter! I’ll miss all my colleagues at the MB, but change is the essence of life (I guess.)

I’ll still be hanging around the board, because I enjoy reading it and there are many good conversations here.

All in all, this was a cushy job in some ways. I had an easy forum to moderate, and most people behave well in CoCC.
In other ways, it’s the hardest job I’ve ever done. You have group A saying “this should be forbidden”, and group B saying “this should be allowed”, and the posters in the middle saying “if I do this, is it OK? How about if I do this? How about this?”

But all in all, I had a good time, and I don’t regret the years I’ve spent doing it. This is still a great message board.

Aw, damn. I always saw you posting offical notices, and on very rare occassions you posted comments to the threads themselves (Such as the new “Can a mod swear” thread.) Those were rare, occassions, and I will miss seeing such an authoritative voice on the board.

(Sure, Cecil sometimes posts, but that is once in a blue moon.)

You pulled your tongue from the pole!

Congrats on a job well done.

Link, please? I couldn’t find anything relevant.

Turns out my memory was a little off. As seen in this “Can a mod swear” hijack , I quoted his remarks from Can Manhatten Swear When Closing A Thread in GQ?, but he did not, in fact actually post in the thread I was thinking off. :smack:

Giraffe. and TVeblen posted, but not him.

Still, what he said in the thread he DID post in still makes me chuckle.

It was quite funny, in context, at least to me.