modern day worship of greek gods

Dude, Mithra totally wipes the cosmos with Dionysus.

Also, Mithra grants swiftness of horses and progeny to those who do not deceive him.

So, eat it, Dionysus.

[stereotype] Well, that avatar is Italian and we know what THEY think about birth control. [/stereotype] :smiley:

ha lol just looked that up tho and seems to be men only… anyway wasnt really asking which gods were better than others just whether or not anyone else actually believed in them, pretty cool that they do am much happier now :stuck_out_tongue:

Don’t make me come over there and slap you.

True, but not so much in modern day (American) worship of Greek gods, which is what the OP is asking for.

You want a Greek Goddess of Motherhood today and you’ve got Artemis for childbirth and Hera, Demeter and, at a stretch, Hestia to choose from. (Hestia because of her connections to hearth and home, but I wouldn’t choose her to pray to when I want to ground my kids for life.)

denisew7186, no, you’re not alone. Just remember to keep your strength and do your research (in books and in prayer and in your own heart). It’s really wonderful to find other people to work with and learn from (and teach! Even noobs teach, 'though they may not always know it!), but do remember that we’re all human. Even when you find the really awesome folks who believe what you believe and everything is so wonderful and exciting and you finally belong…there will be some assholes there, too. Pagan does not mean perfect. :slight_smile:

You haven’t read much Green mythology, have you?

Maryanne is that you? :wink:

:smack: Y’know, I completely forgot about poor Daphne. Um…yeah, forget Apollo. Forget most of the Greek Gods. Horndogs, the lot of 'em! Find yourself a nice Norse…oh, no, wait a sec…Egyptian…no…no… Celtic? Surely not. I’m stumped. Are there any gods that weren’t horndogs?
(Is Hephaestus safe for a maiden? I think so, poor cuckolded thing.)

What about when he tried to rape Athena, but only managed to get in a little dry-humping before he came on her leg? She disgustedly wiped the spooge off and tossed the tissue to the ground, where it fathered Erichthonius.

Denise of course you’re not alone. I know plenty of neo pagans who believe in the Greco/Roman pantheon.

We Jews For Cthulhu, now, we’re alone. :frowning:

If you want gods that drink, Norse is better than Greek any time. At least, that’s what people who claim to invoke them these days feel!

This because the Aesir and Vannir had mead. Mead is far better than wine.

Was that a satyrical comment?

Watch those puns. You might start a panic.

Ale is better than either. Sadly, us English don’t really have any gods of our own, but the Norse are the best to steal.

If you’re in the US, check out for a start.

Big active forum here:

And to meet a fellow Dionysos worshipper, you have to check out this guy’s blog, if you do not already know him:

Medusa and her sisters would beg to differ.

pffft I forgot all about these guys once they retired to Pollux IV.

No, I deserved it, what with all that fauning all over some arcane Persian deity.

Could you imagine the reaction of PETA to someone buying up 100 cows with the intent of ceremonially slaughtering them, cutting out their thigh bones, wrapping them in 2 layers of fat and having a bonfire to get the smoke up to Olympus?!

Though I suppose the current US modern form of a hecatomb could be interesting - I suppose that you could go to a slaughterhouse, and do the sanctification process, and run the carcasses through the process and donate to various feed the poor charities of the results and make the thighbone parts and haul them off somewhere for the bonfires. The US really is not set up to handle a private hecatomb. :dubious::confused: