Modern device your parents had that you don’t have now

Hijack / aside:

I gather from your collective posts that you’re fairly well off living in a fairly large house. Except for living on the lakefront you can certainly have any or all of those things installed in your current house.

Double ovens are easy; you just sacrifice a little cabinet space for them. I have double ovens in my condo and greatly appreciate the extra flexibility.

Instant whole-house hot water can be retrofitted easily & inexpensively to any house with no significant plumbing required. I did it to my former McMansion with looong slooow hot water runs a few years ago. This is what you’re looking for:

The black plastic fitting goes under the sink at the end of each run, so perhaps install one device per bathroom, one for the kitchen, and maybe one for the laundry room. It’s a mechanical thermostat valve that interconnects the hot & cold side pipes. It installs past the angle stops and before the lines to the sink faucet. The single pump is installed in the HWH outlet line near the HWH.

The basic idea is the pump provides a small pressure head so the downstream hot water supply is pressurized vs the cold supply. And the remote thermostats are closed when the hot water supply is hot enough but open a connection between the hot & cold supply when the hot side is only warm-ish.

The net effect is when the sink supply is receiving only warm-ish water the valve opens, the pump pushes fresh hot water from the HWH down the line while the used-to-be-hot water in the hot-side pipes returns backwards up the cold-side supply line towards the house inlet where it then returns to the cold side of the HWH. No water is lost.

You can configure the timer on the pump to only run certain times of day so there’s zero energy consumption moving water around and reheating it during the times of day or night there’s no need. Couple that with insulating the accessible portions of your hot supply pipes and you get almost instant hot water anywhere / everywhere in your house for very little installation cost or difficulty and negligible operating cost.

Another convenience gizmo I’ve had in every house or condo for years is some variant of this:
It delivers truly instant truly 190F water on demand. Great for pre-heating coffee cups or soup bowls. Also great for making tea or ramen or ??? with zero wasted time. The capacity is large enough that if I need to boil water in a saucepan for, e.g., pasta I start with this water and the stove takes barely a minute to get a rolling boil going.

Just a real handy gizmo that every comfy-class kitchen should have.

Sorry I can’t help with retrofitting a lake to your house. Especially in Dallas, lakes (with water in them) are hard to come by, and lakefront housing even more so. A decade-ish ago when I thought I was going to be working & living in Dallas I sure tried everywhere to find a good lakefront house on a reliable lake. Just not really available.