Modern Family to Kill Off a Character

At least that’s the word from Christopher Lloyd.

Lloyd says the victim will be a “significant” character, which is not exactly the same as a “lead” character. That loophole leaves room for DeDe to be the unlucky decedent, although I personally would be okay with Manny.

Twenty quatloos on Fred Willard (Phil’s Dad).

I’m guessing DeeDee Pritchet; they’re not going to kill of Jay unless it’s the series finale.

I saw that a couple of days ago. I say it’ll be the dog.

I doubt they have any other interesting ideas left for Benjamin Bratt.

Didn’t they kill off his mom (off camera) several seasons back?

But yeah, DeeDee seems the likely candidate. The kids are probably off-limits - grandparents dying is perfectly normal, 20 year olds is not. And honestly, what’s the life expectancy of someone with an inverted uterus?


Huh, according to the Modern Family wiki, Phil’s mom was alive, but never seen or heard on the show, until Season 4, when the whole Dunphy/Pritchett clan flew to Florida for her funeral. That just seems strange because his dad was on 7 episodes before her death, and they were still married when she died.

Hmmm. I was thinking Pepper. Some comic death fitting the vamping ability of Nathan Lane.

I consider it a cheat if it is Phil’s dad or DeeDee. These are, by definition, minor characters and not major ones. Although, I will admit that I stopped watching several years ago as once the kids grew up it lost a lot of its luster.

He could get hit by a car when walking his dog. Jay can then wonder, in his old man way, how a Chihuahua can pull a grown man into traffic.

I am guessing it will be Shelly Long’s character (Jay’s ex).

Cameron might be a good candidate for a fatal heart attack.

Opening a storyline for Mitchell to carry on as a single parent.

My first thought was Phil’s dad, but as was mentioned, he’s not a major character. DeeDee makes sense, not that she’s a major character but there’s a lot of history there so there could be some bitter sweet moments. Killing off Stella would be a cheat, but she’s a main character to Jay! Then we could see him mourn her and secretly wonder if Gloria had something to do with it. I can’t see them killing any of the children; that’s way too dark for this show. I guess my prediction depends on whether this is the last season. If so, I think Ed O’Neill is a good bet. If not, it’s anybody’s guess.

Would anyone really miss Lily?

Or Joe? I’d be okay with Joe snuffing it.

Wait, did I say that out loud?

Heh. I don’t need him to die. Maybe just go upstairs, Chuck Cunningham style, and never come back down :stuck_out_tongue:

Lily has become one of the high points, IMHO. A sarcastic Asian woman living with two gay men? You could make a whole sitcom out of that.

And if they kill Jay, I’m out. Ed O’Neill is a freaking national treasure.


In an extraordinarily stupid series of events.