Mods mod-ing their own posts.

manhattan has just done me a great injustice!
In a blatant misuse of his sense of humour and wit, he has caused me to cough up a lung laughing. For his injustice, I DEMAND that he right his wrong by cleaning up all the crap I spewed all over my monitor from the insane bouts of gut-rending laughter that ensued.

Okay, that, or he could keep it up. That was the funniest thing I’ve seen in a long time. :smiley:

To new to comment on mod actions here; but from what I’ve seen, I’ve seen I likes it. Control is needed, y’know? Hard job, but they’re doing a bang up job. Especially for my health. (Laughing’s good for ya, y’know).

Eeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! Why do you have crap in your lungs?

Manhattan: stay away from there, friend!

Aw, Veb; I was hoping you’d’ve said “snauf should be pronounced as though it’s spelt snoof (either pronunciation for that one.”

Oh, well.

Uh…of course it can be pronounced “snoof” as well. Regional differences. Dialects. Vowel drift. (Pure BS, actually.)

But one clarification needs to be made: clean ups do not include mopping up Mnementh’s lung. Uh-UHHH, not gonna happen. Coding snaufs and bad links, fine. Horked up organs, no way in hell.


well, there is some precedent for equipment replacement anyhow.
Originally posted by manhattan in another thread


1: It’s pronounced “snawf”, sort of a cross between snarf and snuff.

2: Greetings, Ms. OpalCat.

3: As for my own editing of my posts, when I first became a moderator, I used the honor* almost to abuse- screw up a spelling, make a little coding error, decide I could clarify my words a bit, poof! There ya go.

Then I realized:

First, it takes a damned long time to edit a post. Click on “edit”, wait for it to load, figure out where the change is necessary, make the change, then submit and wait for it to return to the thread. Easily three times the work of the original thread; certainly not worth it for adding a missing apostrophe.

Second, my actions as a moderator are based on mutual trust; my fellow posters and moderators trust me to do what is fair and just and to not abuse my powers*. Going around and indiscriminately editing all of my messages post facto raises the question of what I originally said, not to mention of my own competence if I feel a need to go back and re-write everything I do**.

So I use it sparingly, and with the criteria by which I would edit someone else’s posts- a major screwup, which affects comprehending the actual post.

  • I should use the word “priviledge”, but I’m not sure I’d spell it correctly. Synonyms are a poor speller’s best friend.

** Though Lord knows I need an editor- Mr. Zotti taking a quick look over the Staff Reports I’ve submitted has been a godsend.

Hey, you’re mods. I’m sure lung-mopping is in that description somewhere. :smiley:

Mnementh, pushing the envelope of Moderator abuse a little too far, discovers a horde of them trying to jam the lung straight up his ass and flees in defeat


Sounds like something pinky would say…

It’s not a lie. I saw one of the threads before and after
editing, and if UncleBeer hadn’t edited it, I’m certain someone would have
asked you to edit it.
Do your own check. Search for “[Edited by UncleBeer” in the pit, all dates.
He also has a few in MPSIMS in the same vein. If they all contain busted
links, I eat my hat.

And I don’t like being warned when I’m telling the truth.
Just because he’s a mod doesn’t mean he’s a nice person like you are.
There’s no longer a nice-guy requirement to become a mod, as far as I can
tell. The recent additions, except Chronos, have not been the kind of people
most of us want to read. They are coarse, insulting, rude for no reason.

Sniff, Sniff,

Man, I swear something smells horrible around here. I’ve smelled this before over here…my Lord what can it be?
Sheesh, would someone do some clean up?

Well, it doesn’t help that you misspelled honour as well. :wink:

Monsieur Piss and Squeeze or whatever your name is: don’t ask us to search for links. You make a statement that is perceived as false. YOU then have to substantiate it. That’s the way the game works, bucko.

But what’s that? A second screen name? For heavens sake! That’s against the rules as well. Never mind backing up your statement. We’ll be right with you to show you the door.


[Completely unedited by Coldfire on 3-10-2001]

Not that Unc or Coldfire need poor lil’ me to defend them, but I was always under the impression that they were editing their posts (after they’d gotten their hands on the Webster’s) in order to correct the more egregious errors in grammar and spelling.

No thanks necessary, fellers!

On examination, I would expect some slightly anti-mod posters to become big fans of the lot of 'em just to not associate themselves with Mr. clicheusernamewhowillsoonbeleavingus.

Mr. Ps and Qs: 23 posts
Mr. Ps & Qs: 1 post

I wonder what Coldy could be talking about? :smiley:

I’ve noticed in my tenure as a mod that certain threads are just puppet magnets as long as they are open. All the usual yahoos crawl out of the woodwork to chime in.

Because of that, I’m gonna close this thread. I think John did an excellent job of answering the OP. As usual, if anyone have any more questions feel free to ask.

Thanks for playing.

Not a “nice guy”,

Now now,

it could just be that one of the mean ol Moderators has evilly edited Mr. PQRST’s entire account. That’s why he had to get another screen name! Someone high up on the food chain changed his password! It’s been known to happen on at least 27 seperate occasions that I won’t mention in detail here but if you do a search through the forums GD, GQ, ATMB, and IMHO I’m sure you’ll run into a clue eventually. But rest assured it does happen because moderators are evil.

I’d tell Mr. Ps and Qs to mind himself, but that would be far too much wit to waste on him.