Mom locks kid in basement. Kid gets loose, and is killed by family's pit bulls. WTF.

It had just bitten him a few hours previous to killing him, the article says. This is unbelievable.

I’ve been looking for this thread since I got back to the boards - this all happened while I was on vacation.

I live less than three blocks from this house. If this woman has claimed that these dogs wouldn’t hurt anyone and are not vicious, then she’s full of shit.

There were so many times that these very dogs would scare the pants off of me that I have permanently changed my route when I’m walking in that direction. The houses front against the sidewalk and it’s a pretty busy one, being against a rather busy street and the only flat street upon which to get from one neighborhood with businesses to the next.

The first time, I was walking by and I noticed their garage door open, and since I live nearby I’m always curious to glance inside the garage as I walk past my neighbors to see how they’ve got theirs put together. Mind you, I don’t advance any nearer to the open door, I just turn my head. Thank God I did, b/c both of these dogs were charging at me. Silently. At the last second, as I was preparing to run into traffic to get away, they were called away by (I guess) the Father. As I was walking away, I could hear other pedestrians letting out little yelps and the Dad sternly ordering them back. This same thing happened over and over again, such that I just walked three blocks out of my way and rejoined the street further down.

When my wife and I read the headline on SFGate while on vacation, we turned to each other and agreed that it was probably that very same house. (Granted, the headline mentioned our neighborhood). We were right.

So count me amongst the “not surprised at all” crowd.

Geez, Dooku, that’s terrifying. Do you think you and your other frightened neighbors ought to tell the police of your experience? And did you get a look at said Dad and can describe him to us?

Well, maybe she leaned the shovel against the door because it wouldn’t stay closed otherwise, not to try to trap the boy inside.

:rolleyes: That would still be pretty grossly bad judgement.

I know our beat cop and I talked to him about it already. He mentioned that they have lots of neighbors telling different stories about the dogs - “they were friendly and let me pet them” vs. “they charged and barked at me.” He’s got me down for the latter camp.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve got nothing against pit bulls, but it’s pretty obvious in our dog-friendly neighborhood which dogs are not. These were not.

A description of the Dad? I didn’t know either of them. I’m not a kid person, which might explain my unfamiliarity. Michelle O’Leary is a friend, and Dr. Arrick is my vet - Michelle agrees with me, but Dr. Arrick won’t say anything one way or the other, which to his credit is what I would expect.

To be honest, whenever I saw him I was usually trained on the dogs. I’m sure I’d recognize him as a local if I saw him walking around.

Well, the stupid bint has been arrested on a charge of felony child endangerment. The D.A. said that this was because the mother knew the child had been bitten earlier that day, yet still left him alone with the dogs. I was hoping this would happen; I say good call.

No remorse, no second-guessing, no comprehension at all that she might have made a mistake?

Is she a simpleton?

She did lock her kid in the basement while letting the vicious dogs roam the house. So yeah, I’d venture to say she’s a simpleton.

I’m finding it hard to believe that a person who is breeding dogs does not possess a back yard to keep them in.

Why the dogs should even be locked in the house, I cannot imagine.

Or since we know for a fact they have a garage, as **Dooku’s ** mentioned it, why the hell couldn’t the dogs be held in the garage for the duration if the back yard was a no-go for some reason?

Way too many weird things that don’t add up in this scenario.

Hot damn. CNN is carrying the story too. What a pathetically stupid, and sad situation. Pathetically stupid.

I don’t think ten years in jail is enough.

I’d convict for manslaughter at least. Depraved indifference.

Under a truly just system she’d be fed slowly to her precious pups.

I’m willing to bet this is one of those couples that treats the dogs like children. Or, at least think they do (and if they treat the dogs as well as they treat the kids, then maybe the dogs are better off at the kennel). I understand some people find dogs superior to human companionship. Fine. Some people seem to value a dog’s life over a person’s, and, like posted above, find injury to a dog (especially their dog) more distressing than harm to a person or him/herself.

Damn you for locking up a child and not penning up your dog, you thickheaded, beetle brained, cut wienered, kraut eater. If the mother is telling the truth, then I hope she’s been traumatized into permanent insensibility. If she intended for a dog to eat her child, I hope they put her away for a long time somewhere large women with shaved heads ram unlubricated broom handles up her ass.

Having read the new article, my opinion hasn’t changed. She murdered her son. She is a cold blooded murderer and her weapon was the dog.

Lock her away for life.