Mona Lisa Quandry

I just finished watching a rather depressing film, “Mona Lisa”, starring Bob Hoskins (as a body-guard for a prostitute) and other London-East-end-accented actors (where it is necessary to turn on closed-captioning in order to understand what’s being said. There is a scene in a roadside diner that has me confused and feeling rather bridged by an ever increasing generation gap. Hoskin’s character takes this girl (played by Katie Hardie) to the diner to buy her a meal and all she orders is an ice cream sundae. Earlier in the film, Sammi Davis (the actress, not the rat-pack character) did the same thing. The following dialouge takes place at 1 hour and 20 minutes into the film, in case you want to check it out:
Bob Hoskins: “You like ice cream?”
Katie Hardie: “It’s the only thing I can eat.”
BH: “What ja mean?”
KH: “Well, ya know…?”
BH: “No, I don’t know.”
KH: That I can’t take food anymore…real food."
BH: “Well, what can you take?”
KH: You don’t know anything, do you?"
BH: “No, I don’t know anything.”

Now, I knew lots of folks during the 60’s-70’s that routinely abused their bodies with various forms of chemicals but never saw anyone reduced to Ben and Jerry’s for survival. Just what is it that Bob Hoskins and I are missing out on?

I suspect that she’s pregnant.

She just had her tonsils taken out? (??)

“My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings! Look upon my works, ye Mighty, and Despair!!”

… so the two little kids are in the hospital, and the one says, “Yeah, I had my tonsils out, and I couldn’t eat for three days and all they gave me was ice cream.”

And the other kid says, “That’s nothing, I was circumcised shortly after I was born and I couldn’t walk for a year!”

Why is this in the BBQ Pit?

Yes, I am being picky, but what the hell.

Fuck you, bitch! You wanna make something of it?

HEY! BOB-up and bite my ass, BOB-O.

And yeah, I do want to make something of it.


He who walk through airport door sideways going to Bangkok. - Confucius

NOW we are getting somewhere!!
What a stupid thread! This should have been in the mailbag forum to begin with. (What WAS the question again?!)

(I don’t have anything constructive to add, I just like to see boneheads fighting it out… oops Jerry Springer is on, brb)

NOW we are getting somewhere!!
What a stupid thread! This should have been in the mailbag forum to begin with. (What WAS the question again?!)
(I don’t have anything constructive to add, I just like to see boneheads fighting it out… oops Jerry Springer is on, brb)[/qoute]

You getting lippy too, asswipe?


He who walk through airport door sideways going to Bangkok. - Confucius

Now that’s what I like to hear!

"Once I had a girl on Rocky Top, half-bear the other half cat,
Wild as a mink but sweet as soda pop, I still think about that … "

I had a tattoo placed on my butt. The letter “B”, one on each cheek. Everytime I bend over I am reminded of the online guy who can make this kitty purr. :wink:


He who walk through airport door sideways going to Bangkok. - Confucius