This is the monthly thread for August , 2024. The topic this month is “Flight”, chosen by Spiderman. The Man of Spiders specifies that the topic is “manned/man-made aviation related”.
NEW: Please post only your photo and, if you want, a title in this thread. Any other text belongs in the rolling discussion thread. Exception: discussion can commence in this thread after the poll has closed.
The general rules for the competition are here.
One entry per person per month . To make the photos easier to review please only post just once to this thread, with your entry.
Once the submission deadline has passed, I’ll put a voting poll in this thread .
Submission deadline: Tuesday, August 27, 11:45 pm US EDT
Please note that I will be away from a computer from August 31 through September 5, so the winner will be crowned in my absence. Someone can start the September thread, or I will create it when I return.
Good luck!