MOOvin to greener pastures

I finally did it! I am now a resident of Cincinnati! Goodbye Toledo! 4 flights of stairs and at least 15 trips up and down have made me a bit woozy, so I think I’ll just kick back and relax for a few minutes. Tomorrow I think I’ll unpack and move my shtuff around. Ugh, its kinda hot here… must… find… fan…

“I’m not dumb. I just have a command of thoroughly useless information.”-- Calvin and Hobbes
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Say Hi to Johnny Fever for me

At least now you are in close proximity to an NFL team that scores points.

Contestant #3

One drawback - No more Mudhens games, bro…

Yer pal,

And one less guy I have to get past on the expressway! Good luck cowgod.


One complete set of morals for sale to highest bidder, new in box.

Yeah, the Mudhens. They score about as often as the Browns.

One complete set of morals for sale to highest bidder, new in box.

At least she has her priorities straight got the computer set up right away.

Mac, The Cow God is a bull.

The Cow God is a full bull.

Congrats, Supreme Bovine! I imagine that hoofin’ it up all those stairs really milks your energy.

The overwhelming majority of people have more than the average (mean) number of legs. – E. Grebenik

So Mac, exactly what made you think I was a girl? I thought the picture I posted not too long ago would have put any doubts to rest… check out page 2 in the “poster you’d most like to meet” thread

and yes, it is a bummer i won’t be able to see the mudhens lose anymore games, but i’d much rather go see my UC Bearcats lose in football right now.

“I’m not dumb. I just have a command of thoroughly useless information.”-- Calvin and Hobbes
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OOPS! I don’t get around to all the posts and didn’t see the pictures. Don’t know why I kept thinking female. Sorry cowgod see my sig.

Ive always found it easer to get forgiveness rather than permission.

CowGod, a couple of places for you to try now that you live in Cinci. Find a close Penn Station Cheesesteak, they are heaven. My sister swears by Mike Finks on the river. I would have suggested you try the Music Palace, but my understanding is that it burned down a few years ago. Was a fun resturant, esspecially if you had kids.

>>Being Chaotic Evil means never having to say your sorry…unless the other guy is bigger than you.<<

—The dragon observes