Morality vs. Ethics: What's the diff?

SO and I were having a discussion last night about the difference between morality and ethics, specifically whether there is one and what it is. He disagrees that there is a difference, but I say nay, there is!

My proposal that there is a difference is predicated on the fact that I abhor the “Moral Majority’s” insistence on dictating to me what is right when it clearly strikes me as unjust and downright exclusive of the diversity of humanity (do I really need to cite here?). OTOH, I readily embrace ethics as universally human tenets of right and wrong and justice for all. However, I’m not sure the two are mutually exclusively of each other.

I somehow understand the difference , but my weak argument needs something of a major overhaul. Here it is nonetheless…

It all comes down to intent. One is moral because s/he accepts the dictates of a higher authority and the group promoting the authority (i.e., the church and its commandments) and acts accordingly lest s/he be rejected by the group or authority. One is ethical because s/he innately understands what is right action and just behaviour is self-actualizing and acts accordingly because it represents his/her character and integrity.

However, there holes in my logic that I recognize and perhaps some that I don’t.

  1. The ABA is a higher authority in the legal profession and they, of course, have dictated standard of behavior to its members through its Code of Ethics. Why not call these ethics morals?

  2. Killing is immoral according to most religious tenets, however, is it also unethical in only certain circumstances? Can one uphold good character and integrity, be it an individual or group, by killing another that has and will continue to kill others? Some think that that this action is just (moral or ethical?) because it protects the greater good, but is it ethical for a doctor, subscribing to medical code of ethics, to administer the lethal injection? Is it ethical for anyone to take something which is not theirs to take?

When are questions of semantics ever really useful? When they railroad a perfectly good discussion on X, Y, or Z… :wink:

I defer to the logic and reasoning of those of you who are much better at debate than am I. :slight_smile: