“It’s a ruse! We’ve been hoodwinked!”
“Heavens to Betsy. What in tarnation?”
“Ruse” is archaic?
I do live in archaic parts. I’ve heard all of those spoken, not in humor.
“That guy is a heel.”
Oh, forever more…
“Lord a mercy. Well, I do declare!”
“What are you, fresh?”
“Goodness gracious!”
Well I’ll be jabbed with a pitch fork!
“Your mother smelled of elderberries and your father drives a pickle wagon!”
This thread is the bee’s knees.
I’m trying to bring both of those back.
Twenty-three skidoo!
The comic strip Pickles has been riffing on this all week.
My 4 year old son went to Fort York (a hostoric site of a war of 1812-era fort in Toronto) and was very impressed with the “soldiers” dressed in period uniforms there. The ‘soldiers’ had the kids drilling with muskets, showed them demostrations, etc.
When he came back, he solemly announced that, when charging the enemy with bayonets, the proper thing to do is to shout “Huzzah!”.
Smart kid! You’ll be in good shape if the Redcoats take another crack at us.
Other way around.
[Toronto is in Canada; he’d be drilling with the Redcoats, or rather with the colonial militia, against the hated Yank invaders]
What a maroon! What kind of hijinks have you been up to? Pshaw you say? Why, I oughta pound you!
Ya done good, buddy boy. Now beat it.
Put the kibosh on that talk and hit bricks, pal. Or I’ll run you in.