More goings-on with fucking Bio Dad....

Remember this situation?

Well, Trinity just came home with the kids. (They spend the past two weeks with her folks and Lil-Kwyj spend LESS THAN 24 HOURS with his Bio-Dad.)

Lil-Kwyj gave us an account as to what happend when he was with Bio-Dad. (Even though Bio-Dad told him not to tell us anything.)

[ul][li]Bio-Dad and Step-Mom had a fight and Step-Mom started ranting at Bio-Dad about us mentioning our (now defunct) move to Calgary. She went on to say that Trinity should ‘get up of her lazy ass’ to get a good job so we could move ‘closer to them’. (All the while, Lil-Kwyj is standing there listening to this.)[/li]
Lil-Kwyj told Step-Mom not to talk about Trinity ‘in that way’ and Bio-Dad and Step-Mom told Lil-Kwyj that she has the right to talk about Trinity how ever she likes.

[li]Bio-Dad sat Lil-Kwyj down and said he wanted to talk to him about our Calgary move. Lil-Kwyj said he didn’t want to talk about it because Trinity said he didn’t and shouldn’t have to. (If Bio-Dad wants to talk about it…he calls US!!!) Bio-Dad said to him, “That’s too bad, you’re going to talk about it!” and drilled him for an hour.[/li]
[li]Apparently Bio-Child (Bio-Dad’s other son.) came up to Lil-Kwyj in his wheel chair and grabbed Lil-Kwyj’s shirt. Lil-Kwyj pulled back and push Bio-Child away and Bio-Dad grabbed Lil-Kwyj and threw (lifted and held?) him against the fridge and yelled at him. He then told Lil-Kwyj he had the right to do that because he was mad at Trinity.[/li]
[li]Bio-Dad also mentioned to Lil-Kwyj that if we took him to court* that we would loose and that Trinity has ‘her head so far up her ass’ that she doesn’t know what she is talking about.[/li]*Over our move to Calgary. He has never bothered to talk to us about it or he would have known the move was off…[/ul]

Needless to say…I am PISS OFF. We have given him SO MUCH leeway, but I am TIRED of this prick using my son as a pawn against us!!! He is supposed to CARE FOR HIS SON not fuck him up!!!

Fuck’em! Time to talk to a lawyer…

PS: Bio-Dad is only the Access Parent. Trin and I have Sole Custody.

What a manipulative bastard. Bio-Dad is behaving so selfishly. Obviously he is completely absorbed in his own concerns and doesn’t care enough about Lil-Kwiyj to consider the child’s needs before his own.

I hope he gets arrested for something stupid so he has to go to counselling. That’s what helped my dad.

Get that asshole away from your kid. Fuck parental access; he’s not a parent. He’s a sperm donor.

Wait, I take that back. He’s not an asshole. Assholes have a useful, positive function. He doesn’t.

I’m glad, though, that your kid seems smart enough to realize who his real Dad is.

::hugs to Big & Lil-Kwyj. Especially Lil-Kwyj.::

I have such a strange sense of deja vous…

Wasn’t there another thread like this a couple of days ago, or am I totally losing it?

Kwyjibo - shitty situation, but I’m sure I’ve read this before - did it get lost or something, or have I lost my mind?


{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Kwy and Trin}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}


Might have, but it wasn’t me. I did have a thread in MPSIMS that I linked to at the top of this page but that is it.

Quick Update:
Trin called Bio-Dad that evening to talk about what had happened. He denied most of it of course and went on to nag and nit pick at her that she wasn’t doing enough to help.

Bio-Dad was bitching about not putting Lil-Kwyj in sports. (Again, he does not come to the table to help pay for this, and when we did put him into socccer, Bio-Dad never showed up for any games.)

He bitched (AGAIN) because Lil-Kwyj is using my last name in school and not his.

He went again on to bitch about the drive being to long. (He lives about an hour away with normal traffic and the court settlement spesificly stated that HE is the one who has to drive and get his son and the restraining order we have against him basicly tells him not to bitch about it.) It was when I heard this that I lost my cool.

When Trin had let on that he was bitching about he drive again, I yelled out, “That’s bullshit pal. We used to live across the street and ya never came to see him, so you’re whole “The drive is too long” crap doesn’t wash.”

Trin gave me the hush-up motion and it was then that Bio-Dad said, “Hey! Wan’t me to come up there now PAL???!”

So…he’ll come and do the drive to ‘beat me up’, but the drive is too much to see his son. :rolleyes:

We have been talking with my brothers sister, who is very familiar with family law, to see what we can do. Looks like we might make some amendments to the Court Order.

Well, ya gotta keep your priorities in order when you’re an asshole, you know.

Mrs. Dante works for Children’s Aid. Mrs. Dante would be more than happy to visit Bio-Dad. Please tell me he’s in Halton Region so Mrs. Dante can go see him…

He’s in Peel. :frowning:

It is so, so sad that “bio-dad” is now a word that all americans understand. Obviously irresponsible parents will not get a clue, but mabye a few judges will. This kid should have been awarded custody to the less irresposible parent.

I can’t even make sense of the convoluted “family” this kid is a part of, I think the OP is a guy who married a woman who had a kid with another guy.

Anyway, the OP seems like a decent fellow, and should hire a real good lawyer to get the kids away from the father.

Thanks Zuma. :slight_smile:

My wife and I have sole custody and he lives with us at all times. Bio-Dad is to visit him every two weeks (In accordance to the court agreement. He can personally visit when ever he wants, but we are lucky if he comes by 6 times a year.)

We have tried hard to get Bio-Dad to be a part of his sons life, but his actions only tell us that he is not interested. The biggest head ache is that he says that goes on about how he cares about his son, but never raises a finger to do anything for him.

Part of me wishes he would just turn around and go away. Constantly having to do damage control when Bio-Dad brings my son back. It is taxing my patience and gawn knows what it is doing to my son. (Although he is very well adjusted.)
